My dad and his corn...why?

by Nancy Drake 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I just awoke from a bad dream of my dad giving a Sunday talk...

    It got me to thinking about all the bad jokes he liked to put in his talk...and I wonder why he did that? For validation? To see if people were paying attention? He was such a corn ball and would just put the WORST jokes in his talks...he would find some assinine way to put them in, but they never really fit the whole talk.

    Does anyone remember others who used to do this? Or is my dad just SPECIAL? I just have to know. He thinks he's Dick van Dyke.

  • prophecor

    Nancy, have been in the cheese again?

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    no cheese for me! I am on a strict diet to get rid of my little christmas tummy blubber pooch~~ taken my cues from jwbot!

  • Lostreality

    Well...maybe the jokes were good? Or maybe im talkingout of my ass.... Either way, yeah, my dad did the same thing.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    Well...maybe the jokes were good? Or maybe im talkingout of my ass.... Either way, yeah, my dad did the same thing.

    Maybe they were extra bad to me because I had to hear all of my dad's talks over and over and over... But come on! There's only so many times you can hear the John Deere, Dear John joke without wanting to vomit.

  • prophecor

    It must have been like having the President for a father as an elder.

    Surely the congo must have laughed at his jokes though, no?

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    It must have been like having the President for a father as an elder.

    You hit the nail on the head there! And I used to hate going to all the different dad freaking out before each public talk...worried about getting lost so we would get there at 6 am. And I hated going to people's houses for dinner. Made me feel SO uncomfortable. Except that one time with that cute boy.....hmmm. I forgot about that.

    Surely the congo must have laughed at his jokes though, no?

    Yeah, they laughed all right. I think sometimes it was just to be kind...Although I admit genetics have caused me to find my inner corn. I don't pronounce it from a platform though.

  • prophecor
    I used to hate going to all the different dad freaking out before each public talk...worried about getting lost so we would get there at 6 am.

    And sounds as if he was just a wittle bit anal, perfectionistic tendencies. Quite honestly, we ( speaking from the person who's a perfectionist ) are the most complex and difficult people to live with, around, next door to, we drive everybody else crazy. I've been driving my folks nuts for years!!!

  • Preston
    He was such a corn ball and would just put the WORST jokes in his talks...he would find some assinine way to put them in, but they never really fit the whole talk.

    it must suck having Carrot Top as your dad...

    - Preston

  • blondie

    From the newest TMS guidebook:


    be study 31 p. 193 Respect Shown to Others ***
    Resist the temptation to make witty remarks just for the sake of making the audience laugh. This detracts from the dignity of the Bible?s message. True, we should take delight in our service to God. There may even be facets of our assigned material that are somewhat humorous. Yet, to reduce serious matters to laughing matters betrays a lack of respect for the audience and for God.

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