I'm Ba'ak!

by BrendaCloutier 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    Ah, good to be home. Sleeping in own bed with cats (and hubby too). I'm ready to do laundry and go back. It was so nice and warm there - 85-92 days, upper 50's low 60's nights. A couple overcast days turning sunny in the afternoon, and one day of rain. But it was warm rain!

    Mazatlan trip was really good. Enjoyed it muchly. Layed around, ate, shopped, read 3 books (Kev read all 8 we brought, and tore one up after finishing it, it was so badly written by an idiot), layed around and read some more. ate. MMmmm camarones! (shrimp) I think I can go another year without shrimp. When you've had the best, it's difficult to enjoy the rest.

    Speaking of food, I had the best flan ever! (carmel custard). Made the old fashioned way. Dense texture and super creamy! I'm talking 17 years since I had my last best flan, and this was better, and the place I had my last best flan no longer serves it. MMmmmm flan.

    However, I brought home a "gift" I didn't want. I picked up a cold virus. I know exactly where and who I picked it up from! The brother of the guy (Juan) who runs the internet cafe across the street from the hotel. (less than 1/2 the rate of the hotel). He was there coughing and sneezing into a snot rag, but touching everything and not careful with the rag.... Next time I go back I should complain to Juan and get at least 5 minutes free (6 pesos - 53 cents).

    Hugs, y'all


  • bikerchic

    Welcome back Brenda!

    Land of sunshine, beaches, good food, yummm.........did you get a glowing tan to go with your cold?

    Glad you are back and had such a relaxing vacation Brenda.


  • prophecor

    And Mehico will miss you so much Senorita!

    But alas, welcome home!

  • Brummie

    blerk @ shrimp!

    Hey great to see you back! Glad you have had a good time and a good flan!

    Hope you get over the virus quickly, pity we dont have a human norton anti virus isnt it!

    Welcome home


  • Swan

    Good to have you back. A bunch of us locals got together and made it sunny here this week just for you! We didn't want your return from Mexico too be too drastic of a change. Aren't we a great bunch?


  • Valis

    Hey Branda! Glad you had a good time! Did you try the iguana soup?


    District Overbeer

  • orangefatcat

    Welcome back Brenda, great you had such a fun time. That was some warm. I wish the temperature were even half of what you enjoy. Drat it...

    Oh I would be very careful when discribing things around here. The board posters have gone wild on another post. so like using words like the ones below may cause some to explode around here.

    " Dense texture and super creamy!"

    Happy to have you back.

    Love Orangefatcat.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Swan and group, thank you for the sunshine. Yes, it is nice! Just not quite warm enough, but I'll take it any time I can in February.

    OFC - love your new avitar! I loved the old one too. Hey, how else do you describe excellent flan? Oh, yeah, I forgot to include deep rich carmel!

    Valis, if Iguana soup or anything else was on the menu I would have tried it! I'm not shy when it comes to food. Have you had Compachana? It's a coctail made with shrimp, octopus, oysters, scallops, abalony, and fish. It's barely cooked, and the sauce is still warm when served. It includes cucumber lime and onion. Most excellent (except when one of the larger octopus tentacles' suckers stick to the inside of your mouth).

    Brummie, dear, you no like shrimps?

  • Swan
    Swan and group, thank you for the sunshine. Yes, it is nice! Just not quite warm enough, but I'll take it any time I can in February.

    Warm. Yeah, well, Craig was in charge of that. What more can I say?


  • Brummie
    Brummie, dear, you no like shrimps?

    nope, nope and nope, neither prawns.

    ((( )))


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