my da letter---feedback welcomed

by min79 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • min79

    I was thinking of sending this letter as my da letter to the society and to the kingdom hall i welcome feedback on it.

    To the Watchtower Society,

    I am writing this letter to make a formal statement of disassociation. I began to study the bible in 1998 after having my first child. There was a lot that attracted me to the organization. Mainly the friends and the way they welcomed my daughter and me. The thought of eternal life on a paradise earth was nice too. I studied and understood all the beliefs of Jehovah?s Witnesses but never in my heart did it feel like I had the truth. I wanted to believe it was though because of all the religions I had ever looked into j.w. were organized and backed up their beliefs from the bible. I kept telling myself that one day I would feel it in my heart that I had the truth. I even pioneered for a point of time hoping to draw closer to god. 7 years later I am still trying to put god into my heart. Before becoming a j.w I had faith in Jesus, god, and heaven. I was a born again Christian and had faith though I did not obey commandments to the best of my ability. As every year goes by I find myself losing more faith and at this point in my life I am questioning if there is a god. I have prayed about this matter and I truly feel that it is best if I go back to my old beliefs because I don?t want to lose faith completely and I just don?t feel as though right now I have the truth. I love the friends and have had so many great experiences with them. I have been helped by people and have made dear friendships. I hate the thought of giving up my friends but giving up on god would be worse to me. I would appreciate it if my children and me were not called on and seeked out to help. I know what I am doing here and have actually waited a long time to do this. I have prayed and ponder over this decision for years and am very sure. I am going to go back out into the world to find god and if I find that I had the truth all along I know where to go. Thank you so much for your time and the many years of love.

  • Aude_Sapere


    Your letter makes me want to cry. I feel alot of - ummm - not sure the right word.

    It's terribly sad. Yet I understand as I have have mourned the death of my own desire to serve God.

    I have a different sense of 'spirituality' now.

    Sorry to digress. Your letter sounds very heartfelt.

    I hope others have better comments than mine. {{{{hugs}}}}

    Please post more. This is a good place to heal and grow.

    -Aude (daring to have knowledge)

  • googlemagoogle

    happy birthday, min79!

    you're letter is nice. too nice ;-) remember: you owe them nothing. but they do owe you a lot of your time, spent volunteering for a publishing company.

    if you feel you have to close that part of your life, write that letter. but don't think you have to! it would probably be easier to just fade away. of course this is up to you and both options have their pros and cons.

    mi 2 centavos.

  • pr_capone

    A_S could not have said it better.

    Your letter was heartfelt and to the point. I can empathise with how you are feeling right now, I have felt much the same way. Due to my experiances though, for the longest time I did not believe in god. I'm not sure still but I am now once again open to the thought.

    I posted on your other thread, again... feel free to PM me any time. If you are unsure how to PM using this forum, let us know and we will get you squared away.

    This is a good place to heal. This forum is what kept me sane while going through the loss of faith, family, and friends. Stick around and the people here will do all they can to help.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • googlemagoogle

    hmmm... in your profile i read "birthday", but on your post it says 25y 5m 5d, so i'm not sure which one's true. happy birthday anyway...

  • glitter

    Wow. Just wow.

    Brilliant - I'm wishing you all the best for the future, and I'm hoping you stick around here.

  • DHL


    My heart feels for you.

    I hate the thought of giving up my friends but giving up on god would be worse to me.

    If this is how it feels for you then by all means go for it. It won't change their mind a bit (they will even start to hate you for it) but you will feel fine because you made up your mind and stood strong.

    Good luck on your further search. You'll make your way.

    Love DHL

  • under74

    Nice letter min.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Thanks for sharing, Min79. Heartfelt and sincere.

    I just wish those 'brothers' would think about it when they get these types of communications.



    Sorry for your situation. Expect a knock on the door and maybe some last minute love-bombing.


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