Will they ever be mainstream?

by Justin 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jeanniebeanz

    One big holdup is their fondness for shunning. It is doubtful that the mainstream of society will ever accept this.


  • Chloe

    I work at a Catholic hospital and see every month the millions (yes, millions) of dollars in charity care the hospital gives away. This from a fairly small hospital but it serves a large rural area where people wouldn't receive treatment otherwise. Yeah, I guess you could call it "commendable." A magazine would probably be much more appreciated.

  • eyeslice

    No - they have a niche - if they were mainstream they would have nothing.


  • hybridous

    Good points here, but I see the other side as well...

    As corporate interests become paramount to the WT, other ideas may be forced to take a back seat. A business's main objective is to perpetuate itself and generate profit, and according to most casual observations, the WT isn't doing too well in that regard.

    How long before some important people in the WT decide to try something in order to stop bleeding money and people? A shuffle towards mainstream here and there, and maybe some fringe members can catch their breath and continue on. In short, I believe that the WT simply MUST move in that direction to improve marketability and encourage growth. Growth in 3rd world countries where people are dirt poor doesen't do the WT much good. They need members with money.

  • eyeslice


    I don't personally feel that the corporate mentality rules everything at Brooklyn. I feel that, no matter how bad things could get for them, marginalised,loss of membership, out of touch, etc. - they will not change. It is not in the nature of the beast to do so.


  • FairMind

    Adding to what eyeslice said, I don?t believe the GB would be swayed at all by the possibly of dwindling assets (financial or otherwise). They already have more than they?ll ever need. Some of the younger JWs at Bethel (especially the lawyers) might be concerned but it is still the GB who ultimately calls the shots. FairMind

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    how could they every be mainstream?

    They so EAGERLY turn their backs and ignore anyone and anything that is not JW related. The Jehovahs Witnesses have no credentials for anything; other than the ones they profess. They are completely and willfully selfish in their pursuits and commitments.

    The Catholic Church has Catholic charities which helps the less fortunate ( of any denomination) internationaly. That is how you showcase your religious beliefs and "mainstream" your philosophies. This charitable act from the catholic church gives them acknowledgement and credibility to outsiders.

    All the JWs do is to go door to door with their own message of doom; that is the JW recognition to the world at large. They are more of an "annoyance".

    Mainstream "society" has more important, demanding issues to deal with; JWs are like a whining child.

  • ko38

    This may sound crazy but, I think the governing body is much like a mafia crime boss.The more hes in the public eye the more chance he has of being scrutinized.Thats why they dont advertise on TV or purposely seek to get their name in the paper.They avoid reporters and studies showcasing their beliefs.

    Their preaching work,methods could be discribed as back door.LOL

    Police detectives are taught to follow the money when solving a case.The wtbts no doubt has many dummie corporations that serve their greater greed.To underestimate the earning power of that group would be a serious mistake.They have some of the most inteligent people our planet has to offer at their disposal.

    Mainstream would put them under the microscope and thats the last place liars and cheaters want to be.

    Sorry for the rant but these controling Ba!@%&ds make me want to puke

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