JW Tsunami Report - rest of quote worth reading

by Bonnie_Clyde 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    You may remember I posted two days ago about a ten-page JW tsunami report that was e-mailed to me. It consisted of about three separate letters. Since the report was so long, I tried to copy and paste some of the quotes from a Word document and only got two out of seven. This time, instead of trying to copy them, I will just type them. The report only seemed concerned about the welfare of the witnesses--little concern about other people--although they gladly accepted the kindness of "worldly" people.

    Here are the highlights I found:

    From Bankok: "Most of our friends were at the meeting at that time of day. (a good lesson there for sure)."

    "Many will not forget that evening or the closing prayer requesting Jehovah's spirit for those affected by this sign of the last days."

    From Colombo, Sir Lanka: "Of course we all know and have comfort from the scriptures and will make the best use of this terrible disaster to give a good witness."

    "I understand thousands are fleeing to the mountains......There was much panic. Foretaste of the real destruction to come?!!!"

    So far, all brothers and families have been accounted for. There MAY be some fatality - but we do not know. I hear that some families in Wattala and Kelaniya had taken advantage of the holidays and gone to the beach down south and also to the East coast. They are reported missing but, if they were at the meetings, then, they may have been all right.

    "Some overseas visitors (large numbers of brothers and sisters and their families from Italy and Germany) were where they SHOULD have been on Sunday morning, at our meetings, and so were spared!!! Had they remained in their hotels and on the beach, they may well have been affected if not killed. So, it does make sense to be faithful in little things!!"

    "The way the waves came, she thought this was the beginning of Armageddon."

  • Satanus

    I was ok where i was, so i must have been where i should have been


  • Heatmiser

    The forum doesn't work well with MS Word. If you use Notepad it should work ok. Since it consists of 3 different reports try doing each report individualy (3 posts) instead of 1 giant post


  • CinemaBlend

    I've never known a Witness who REALLY goes to the meetings while they're on vacation. Well, maybe one or two, but they were always usually the people that everyone in the hall thought was a little wacko.

  • Honesty

    They'll never get it.

    Just like they will never understand the meaning behind Jesus' words when he talked about the tower of Siloam. They always want to put the FDS spin to it when it just showed that the time to repent is now because we never know if we're going to be here tomorrow.

  • TheEdge
    1) will make the best use of this terrible disaster to give a good witness."

    2) if they were at the meetings, then, they may have been all right.

    1) Make best use of? As in 'a nice little earner for the WTBTS'.?

    2) How can ANYONE justify these, or any, deaths like this? CRUEL. What about the JW that died in the 9/11 - or any OTHER disaster? I find this logic intolerable, sorry.

  • Gozz

    It's at times like these that you see the dark, inhuman, unfeeling JW minds begin to open up through their spin on things, including their own kin. As humanity poured out in kindness to those who've been hurt and far aware, you see the selfish JW spirit in full form. Gal. 6:10, a scripture they so love to quote at times like these is missed on them. Mindless idiots.


  • little witch
    little witch

    What a small minded, vindictive, self serving gawd these folks have created for themselves to worship!

    Such ignorance in this day in age is astounding. Worse, this is not a regional theology, but another import from the hate mill from america aka the watchtower society. Is it any wonder that many countries are fighting so hard to keep these sick cults from being established? Every time I hear someone refer to the jw's as "christian" I want to scream.

    At any rate, thanks for the quotes Bonnie-Clyde. I figured such statements would be forthcoming. Of course this is the work of "those who ran ahead" and the watchtower society will shrug their shoulders in innocence as to how their members come to such conclusions right?


  • jeanniebeanz

    I never saw anything but self-serving attention grabbing in this group, not even from most of my own family. Very little self-sacrificing love.

    Therefore, I'm not a bit surprised by this arrogant hollow response to a disaster which affected millions of their neighbors. They just couldn't care less since anyone not a witness is dead already, the wave just made it formal.


  • CinemaBlend

    You have to remember the mindset... To a witness, the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD is making someone a witness. It is more important than their life, or health, or anything. So from their standpoint, they are doing the most human thing possible. In other words, they aren't intentionally being cold.

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