tug of war ensuing

by And1 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • And1

    Ladies and Gents, how are you all? Great...now thats out of the way, I need you guys to do me a favour, I have been reading up on JWS for the past three/four years, the people are pleasent enough and live fairly ordinary lives....some could say boring....(lets call up susie for a game of cards!!!!!)

    I come here with a problem....my problem is simple and clear cut, it could even be summed up in one word..."HOPE". Is this important??? To go further, to have hope for everlasting life.

    To cut a long story short when I ask JW friends why ppl fall out of the truth, the answer is "they couldnt handle it" --- "they wanted to do things their way not God's" --- Of course its easier to appreciate one side of the story and to discount the other....and Ive done that for far too long. Then again when I ask Jws about "Apostates" and I quote from last years Convention "Ignore ALL apostate sources especially the Internet for it deceives all followers of the truth" So here I am....with a question - Why did you fall out of the truth and how? Feel free to incorporate how Hope was lost to the organisation

    Thanks a bunch!


  • SixofNine

    I got sick of hearing people call a religion based on the delusions of a handful of arrogant men, "the truth".

    And here you are calling it "the truth". Please stop, or be prepared to back it up.

  • Satanus

    Welcome to this apostate nest

    There may be hope for eternal life in the form of a spirit that survives the body death. I would encourage you to do a google search on nde's. Read as many experiences as it takes. I believe that there is a british scientific study on this that is going on now, or will soon be undertaken.

    I lost belief in the wt when i read the book crisis of conscience by ray franz. As i read that, i realised that god was not directing the governing body, and that was the end of it for me. A yr later, i was dfd for questioning and thinking that i was anointed.


  • xjw_b12
    Why did you fall out of the truth and how?

    I fell into the truth, when I left JWism.

    "Religion is the worship and service of the Devil and his associate demons .... Religion is the chief means that puts fear into the minds of the people and leads them into the Devil's snare .... Truly then, as stated, 'religion is a snare and a racket,' employed to collect money from them under false representations." Joseph Rutherford Watchtower, Jan. 15 1940, Page 29

  • kls

    Well lets see if this makes sense to you in a nut shell the wt is a organization ( cult ) that prays on peoples fears such as death and dissociating it's people, if you do not believe what the wt tells you to believe. If you think outside the jw box you are one with satan .

    Remember there is a reason we are no longer jws and why we know it is a cult.

    Pardon my manners,,,,,,,,,WELCOME

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    AND1...are you in for some roller coaster ride ...

    be very careful who you let whisper in your ear....

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...what does hope have to do with anything the JWs offer? Hope is not confined to their teachings alone...

    I left because; aside from being raised with the beliefs; I wanted more; I wanted a secular college education and THEY could not handle that!

    It is not a religion for strong minded individuals who can THINK for themselves.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Welcom, And1.

    I stopped believing in the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society when I realized that they had created a place for themselves in the theocratic org chart which does not exist.

    They put themselves in between Christ and Men.

    That was it for me, and opened my eyes to all kinds of other things that the Organization was lying about. This question was asked here a little bit earlier. You may be interested in reading this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/83925/1.ashx


  • 95stormfront
    So here I am....with a question - Why did you fall out of the truth and how?

    Frankly speaking, a lot of people will take issue with the way you asked this question given the negative connatative spin the WT, JWs, and you present it.

    I didn't "fall out of "the truth"" as you so eloquently put it.

    Through research in comparison with WT "litter-ature" I elevated my consciousness, integrity and CONCLUDED that though the WT may have gotten a few things right, they are as far from having "THE TRUTH" as any other given religion out there.

  • jgnat

    I never "fell in" with the Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know about you, but when they give me this pitying look and tell me not to worry, I will "get used to it", I get a major fit of the creeps. Is the dreary life of the JW something one is supposed to "get used" to?

    I have had long discussions with my JW husband about the whole matter of "hope" in eternal life. He claims we have it all wrong, no way we are going to heaven, it's stocked already, I am deceived, and the JW's are the only ones with this hope. I tried to explain to him, that the whole final destination thing is NOT the key topic of conversation around my brand of Christian, but rather, the opportunity to be free from the chains of sin now. My hope is in Jesus Christ and my gratefulness is for my changed heart. My change and my hope is internal, and I enjoy the fruits of that change now. Wherever I end up, I know it is with Christ, and isn't that enough?

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