Anyone here use MusicMatch Jukebox?- Need help

by xenawarrior 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior

    I have been using MusicMatch Jukebox for several years for the storage of my music and burning cd's etc. I recently upgraded and have unlimited future upgrades. I'm using version 10 now.

    The problem I'm having since the upgrades is with my playlists. I save a playlist in the order I pulled the tracks into it. When I go to pull the playlist up after I've saved it -the tracks are all in alphabetical order instead of the order I saved it in!! And all of the playlists I previously saved are doing the same thing meaning that if I want them in the order I originally put them in I'll have to set them all up again!! GRRRRRRRRR

    I've been all over the program looking for the options that would have forced this alphabetizing but it's just not there and I'm pretty familiar with it. I've been trying to reach their tech support and that's been an exercise in futility-I submit my problem and it goes into cardiac arrest and never gets sent to them.

    Anyone else using this and having the same problem or know where in the program to change this insane setup? Or is this just how MusicMatch does it now. I can't imagine that because why save a playlist you like only to have the program save it in a different format than you intended?

    Any help would be appreciated. I'm ready to dump this thing but I've got over 6,000 songs in it and many many playlists. I'm hoping it's a rectifiable problem.

    Happy Saturday -sort of

  • mkr32208

    I always bring up my playlist then hit "shuffle" just to keep it interesting...

  • xenawarrior

    That's okay for playing it and I do that too but this is the saved playlists. For example, pulled 18 tracks from 4 different albums by the same artist last night in the order I wanted to hear them in and record them to cd in that order. So I pulled them into the playlist window and then saved them in that order. When I went to pull it up this morning to burn the cd- the tracks on the saved playlist from last night were in alphabetical order -not the order I wanted them in. It's a mood thing

    I can start all over and pull them all back up in that order again and then just burn the cd from there but I shouldn't have to do that. For example, I'll have a party and everyone takes their turn sitting at the computer and picking tunes. The playlist that results is pretty cool and I usually try to save them as it's the mood from that party. But then if when I pull it back up it's all in alpha order instead of the order that was from the party and the people who chose them, it's useless! I can't imagine that the makers of this software would make it this way- no one would buy it.

  • mkr32208

    there's gotta be a way... you can't get through to tech support?

  • Satanus

    Try googling musicmatch discussion forums.

    I changed that to add the worder order to the search.


  • xenawarrior

    thanks you guys! mkr- no luck with tech support

    Satanus, I'll look for that. Thank you

    I hope there is a solution because if there isn't I'm going to be pissed off. (already am) I have over 200 playlists saved and they are now all in alphabetical order and it trashes a lot of work and some pretty good impromptu music selection that can't be duplicated the way it was set up. Some of it I have documented through labels for cd's but many are just what I or someone else happened to pull up that evening as the mood struck. GRRRRRRRRR.

  • Satanus

    If you burned em on cd's, there could be iso's saved somewhere. Those iso's should have all the names in the order they were burnt.


  • xenawarrior

    I'll check into that Satanus. Thank you. Thing is, it's not the ones I've burned I'm concerned about- those I have labels to go from saved in another program so I can reconstruct it. But I can't use the program as I always have. I made this playlist last night-fortunately I did write down the order of the songs so I have it. But this morning when I went to burn it - it was alphabetized. So the only way I can burn something is to burn it immediately after building a playlist and then not even bother saving it because it won't be saved in that same order.

    I had made a really good "Road Trip" compilation that would take up about 4 cds and saved it. I hadn't burned it yet and now it's not in the same order I intended.

    And if anyone knows me, they know the work I have into this and how important my music files are to me.

    Is it too early to start drinking heavily?

  • Satanus

    I looked at a couple of those google finds. One way is to rename the files adding numbers like 00, 01, 02, etc in front of the regular name. There may be another way, but it would take more reading to find it.

    Good luck


  • xenawarrior

    Well, after wrangling with this off and on all day I think I've resolved it. But I had to re-install from cd back to version 6.0 and then ask for an upgrade and it gave me an upgrade to version 8.2 -several versions back - but with my playlists intact the way I set them up. Seems to be working fine so far-*crosses fingers* It was a pain in the ass but I have it back.

    If anyone has this program-don't upgrade to version 10. From what I read that was where things went to hell. It seems that with upgrading to that version it destroys the all the saved playlists -that is-it doesn't keep them in their saved condition prior to the upgrade- it alphabetizes all the tracks within them. It will also alphabetize all the tracks in a newly saved playlist so it's rendered saving playlists useless as far as I'm concerned.

    (((((Satanus))))) thank you for trying to help me. You sent me in a direction that was helpful to me!

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