rides "a pale horse."

by Valis 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Valis

    So the May 2004 Awake was left on my campus today. In their article about disease they list how many people have died from disease since 1914.

    Smallpox 350-500 million

    Tuberculosis 100-150 million

    Malaria 80-120 million

    Spanish Flu 20-30 million

    Typhus 20 milliom

    AIDS 20 million+

    Page 13 "A look at the death toll from some of the major infectious diseas since 1914 confirms that this figurative horseman has indeed been riding. The worldwide suffering from "deadly plague" provides one further proof that the coming of God's Kingdom is near.*"

    *Knowledge Book Chapter 11 reference.

    Sheesh...any decent attempt to defend such nonsense would include death tolls at least years of equal number prior to 1914. The other thing that I find rather disturbing is the concept of jebus being in charge of stuff in heaven, but he lets all hell break loose down earthside, but maybe it refers to his instead of a throne... Just browsing through this crap...eh I hope to run into the person leaving these around for my students to read...


    District Overbeer

  • gumby
    Just browsing through this crap...eh I hope to run into the person leaving these around for my students to read...

    Valis sees a guy in a suit from a distance leaving something on a bench and says...."hey you sonofabitch....get the hell outta here with your rotten shit. Go feed it to the pigs or leave it in the restroom for asswipe you bastard"!

    Next, the principal in the suit turns around and says.." Not wearin your glasses again are ya, ya damn long haired witness hatin pinchin bastard! Now get the hell outta here and watch who the hell your yellin at"!


  • avishai

    Just do what I do, leave silentlambs flyers in the mags.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    Page 13 "A look at the death toll from some of the major infectious diseas since 1914 confirms that this figurative horseman has indeed been riding. The worldwide suffering from "deadly plague" provides one further proof that the coming of God's Kingdom is near.*"


    Death (ie. spiritual death) is carried on a pale horse - ie. carried by those of a whitish appearance (but aren't really white), and yet have pride (the horse) - may even run wild if not restrained.

    The angel of death jws visited us recently but our pillars were covered in the blood of the lamb our strength is in Christ, so they passed over us went away.


  • RunningMan

    What they fail to note is that the death rate per person is, and always has been, one.

    The really meaningful statistics are life expectancy, and annual death rate. When you look at those numbers, we are living in the most pestilence-free time period in the history of the human race. And, doesn't the Society also complain about a population explosion in the 20th century? Rapid population growth is a function of less death, not more.

    By the way, the name of death's horse is "Binky".

  • funkyderek
    Smallpox 350-500 million

    Did they mention that smallpox was eradicated in the 20th century? The disease that killed untold millions throughout history will kill no more. How does this fit in with their end-time predictions?

  • Bryan
    confirms that this figurative horseman has indeed been riding.

    Does this mean they believe great tribulation/armagedon or something has already started?

    If they claim one of the horsemen has already left the gate and is claiming lives, what does this mean?


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • jeanniebeanz

    They've been grasping at straws and cookin' the books for years; what'cha surprised 'bout? lol I'd be cheesed off if they were pestering my students too, though.

    Avishai, Leave an apostate flyer in a magazine? Naughty boy! (good one)


  • xjw_b12

    The WTS's "Pale Horse"

  • Scully

    That pale horseman is sure slacking off - with someone supposed to be as relentless as this one horseman among four, the world's population has still managed to grow from 3.9 billion in January 1970 to almost 6.5 billion now.


    Love, Scully

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