How many believe in a literal, firey hell that God will damn people to?

by AlmostAtheist 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    If there is anybody who should burn in hell, it is god. (Not giving him the capital letter here)

    Think about it.

    If any dad can be accused of neglecting his children, not providing the neccesities of life, and cruelty to children, it is the diety referred to as YHWH.

    xjw_b12 who is almost an athiest also.

    (shaking fist at sky, as I can't strike any rocks with my staff because they are all buried under 7 feet of snow, which of course is another reason to shake my fist at the sky)

  • PurpleV

    As a person who cannot wrap her mind around death being just nothing, I struggle to figure out what kind of afterlife there might possibly be. (I just can't believe its 70+ years and that's it. It's like, why bother?)

    That being said, I would imagine there must be a greater reward for the Martin Luther King-like people than for people like, say, Fred Franz?

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