Meet for a coffee in Toronto!

by peterstride 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • peterstride

    Just a last minute reminder for those that don't check the boards on a daily basis:

    There's a meeting in Toronto tomorrow (Tuesday, July 17th) at 6PM for board members in and around the Toronto area wishing to put a face to the on-line "handles", and share expreriences!

    If you post on-line, e-mail me at [email protected] for directions to the get-together.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • Prisca

    Unfortunately I don't live anywhere near Canada, let alone Toronto, so could you great guys have a drink for me, please? I'll be there with you in spirit, at least!

    P.S. And let us know how your evening goes!

  • Latte

    Hey Moxy!

    Got something against Coffee?

    You said.
    ****what the hell are you talkin about 'coffee'?? keep the coffee to yourself.****

    Personally, given a choice, I would choose a cozy little wine bar. No, I'm not offended Mox.........this time


  • 68storm

    My fellow Canadians,

    I may be out of line here but I think we should meet at the coffee shop, then walk to the first establishment that has cold refreshments and the important part: "Dancing Girls". I must say that these girls are very talented and accomplished dancers.


  • peterstride

    LOL @ 69...I mean, 68Storm!

    Only one thing on your mind, huh 68? :-)

    Seriously though. In a previous posting I mentioned that once we all arrive at "the coffee shop", we can always head out from there and hit a fine establishment nearby for some nourishment & refreshments (for those of us, including me, that have just finished work)!

    C U all tonight!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • Latte

    It's not fair!

    ............well, at least Prisca and I, will be with you in spirit!

    Have a great time guy's!

  • peterstride

    What's wrong Latte? Toronto tooooo far for you to drive in? :-)

    BTW, where do you live Latte?

    I'm sure that between myself, and everyone else that shows up, we'll post the hightlights of our get together tonight.....including the dancing girls (if 68Storm has his way with us)!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • 68storm

    Oh come on Peter,

    You totaly got the wrong impression here. I did not utter anything about the number 69. I meant the dancers at the Royal Alex don't you know.(typing with one hand and the other crossing fingers)

    If we decide to take your suggestion, all of you jws and ex jws can always confess to your elders and I will certainly visit my priest on Saturday afternoon.(only if we don't bump into him at the same club.)

    See you all tonight.


  • Latte


    I am in the UK. Yes, Toronto is just a little too far!

    Never mind. I'm sure the UK will host a coffee shop 'get together' soon.
    (I'll attend as long as no-one suggest playing that stupid game of 'pass the scissors'!).


  • VeniceIT

    HEY well you at least have to take HEAPS of picture of who all meets and then post them here on the board!! I PROMISE I WON'T MESS WITH THE PICS, I SWEAR IT!!!!


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

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