How to Defeat Disfellowshipping

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster

    Welcome to the board YHWHWho. I'm glad you found us and I'm glad that you jumped right in. You aren't alone anymore.

    I think that what you suggested maybe the right thing to do for yourself. That once a year just opens the wound again and they certainly have the ability to fix the relationship if they wanted and they haven't.

    I agree with Joel too, shun THEM. No more anniversaries. No more talking to them about UN-spiritual things. Take the offensive with them instead of letting them keep you on the defensive all the time.

    Slipnslidemaster: "The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
    - Salvador Dali

  • DannyBear

    When jw family member's shun, they know it really isn't showing love, or for that matter, any interest in leading one back to the org. It is pure and simple punishment.

    Discipline that goes on and on and on. Someone once compared this barbaric tradition of theirs, as close to 'eternal hell-fire' as you can get,right here and now. They pride themselves in being nothing like 'christendom', yet with this one henious doctrine, they cement themselves as worse than those who teach God to be a 'non-forgiving eternal fire tormentor'. I like Joel say to hell with them.

    Respect is the key to any enduring relationship. When this 'dung heap' of a religon, can teach even my own daughter's to shun their father, overtly or even intimating that any association with me is not advised, then so be it. If I take it upon myself to ignore this attitude, and beg for some attention, Iam falling right into their screwy idea. You see they think their withholding love and attention really matter's to the df'd one....but the longer Iam away from them, the more I realize, how little they really have to offer. Any contact would not be normal, shaded with all kinds of 'hot spots', watching everything you say...wouldn't want to offend their jw sensibilities now would we? Hogwash.

    When and if they decide to return to the real world of humanity, and extend the same respect, family love, acceptance that they should...I will be the first to open my arm's and heart. Like Joel said, it is dangerous for your own well being, to give them any slack. It is them who need to reform not the reverse.


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