homophobia is a mis-nomer

by sawthelight 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    i used to be scared of homosexuals because i could not understand them. then, when i learnt more about them, i started to hate them. then, i met a girl. we became good friends. i sort of said something rude about gays one day. she overheard and she told me that she was gay. she said "now you think back on all the times i said i loved you. i do love you, but not in the way that would make you sick!" she started to walk away. i grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back to me, and said "i love you too, gay or not gay."
    we are still friends today. closer than ever (and NO, i an not gay now), although i don't see her often. and i don't hate gays anymore. how could i? i loved this girl before i knew she was gay, how could i not love her now because i know!
    experience is the best teacher of all!
    those who hate gays, are scared of them, want to kill them, or whatever, you are entitled to your opinion. and i don't disrespect any of you. because i have learned to love uncondionally, opinions and all!!!

    peace and love, mango

    life is but a dream...

  • LadyBug

    Hi Joelbear

    Thank you for not taking offence at what I said. It was not meant to offend. You will also notice that I said

    I don't hate homosexuals. There are actually some nice people that are homosexuals. There are homosexual people on this board that I have come to like as people.

    You are one of these people Joelbear that I have come to like. You have always shown yourself to be a caring and gentle person. You say what is on your mind without the "abuse" that so many use. I look forward to MOST of your posts And wonder where you are if I haven't seen you for a while.

    And I would have no problems being friends with a person who is a homosexual.

    Its the display of sexual love and passion for each other in front of me that I can't come to grips with. But then I don't agree with hetrosexuals pashing off in public either.

    True what other people do is there business, but then we all need to consider the feeling of others. That is love. We all do or don't do things for the sake of other people.

    Take care,
    luv Liz

  • Francois

    Joel, ol' man, you put a nail in it when you said, "I do find it odd that people have a need to publicly state their feelings about homosexuality."

    That goes for homosexuals in particular for me. I really don't care one way or another what people want to do in the privacy of their own homes (or where ever). I just don't want it in my face all the time. I frankly wish gays would just shut up about it, and that straight folk would do the same. Give it a freakin' rest for chrissake.

    I live in Georgia, so some of the things I do behind closed doors as a straight guy are illegal in this state. But I don't go around rubbing what I do that's illegal in this state in other people's faces, and proclaiming with obvious pride that I engage in muskrat love, or paw dipping every time I get a chance. I don't put on my muskrat costume and insist they let me in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Savannah.

    Maybe I just can't see the point in making it a political cause celeb from either perspective.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    This discussion reminded me of an episode of the Showtime series "Queer as Folk" in which one of the main characters, Emmett, attempts to go 'straight'...

    Ted: "We wanted you to know that we still love you. Maybe not as much as Jesus. Almost. And we're going to miss you."

    Michael: "Especially the way you dance with your hands above your head, and your Liza impersonation. That's the way I'll always remember you."

    Emmett: "Thanks. But I don't think God appreciates it quite as much as you do."

    Ted: "I think God appreciates it even more. Because he created you in His image. At least, that's what I was always taught. And since God is love, and God doesn't make any mistakes, then you must be exactly the way He wants you to be. The way He intended you to be. Every person, every plant, every mountain, every grain of sand, every song. Every tear. And every faggot. We're all His, Emmett. He loves us all."

    That about sums it up for me.

    BTW, thanks to Camper at Mighty Big TV for the quote.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    heya friendly, "queer as folk" is my favorite show. yay! do you watch it?? do you like it??

    peace, mango

    life is but a dream...

  • joelbear


    Actually, the sodomy law has been overturned by the Georgia Supreme Court, so go for it, its no longer illegal male/male or male/female or female/female.

    I don't consider myself "in your face" but I am an out gay male. My partner does go to work events as my spouse.

    Heterosexuals will never know the fear of discovery and the consequences that go with it, imprisonment, loss of job, loss of family, verbal and physical abuse.

    I have been driven to the brink of suicide by my self loathing.

    So, while I am basically a moderate queer, I owe my life and my freedom to those not so moderate drag queens who pelted the police with rocks in Stonewall in 1969 and refused to give in. They are heroes to me.

    I do not make every issue in my life a gay issue. Nor do I french kiss Mitch in the Kroger. However, try to take my rights away to love Mitch and have him share in my life fully as a partner and you'll have a fight on your hands.



  • joelbear


    I guarantee you gays will not "shut up about it" until we have full human rights.

  • FriendlyFellaAL


    Love QaF! I've been hooked since the first episode and absolutely hated seeing the first season end...not to mention the events of the final episode.

    Each Sunday night I have to try to calm myself by realizing that there's only 5 more months until the new season starts! LOL!

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    friendly. it is on here on mondays. i just lay awake and wonder about justin, and if he is ok!!! awes. :(

    who is your favorite character??? i love them all to death, but brian is my baby. sooo sexy!

    life is but a dream...

  • FriendlyFellaAL


    I'm more than a little relieved to know that I'm not the only one wondering whether or not Justin's gonna pull through.

    As far as favorite characters go, I think Ted would have to be mine. Probably because I bear a little more than a passing resemblance to him...in personality at least.

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