Did YOU Ever Experience A "Spiritual Paradise"????

by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The Watchtower Society regularly talks about how Jehovah's Witnesses are unique. So unique----they alone enjoy a "spiritual paradise". While YOU were a Witness, were you ever in "spiritual paradise"???

  • The Thinker
    The Thinker

    well, as someone who was raised as a catholic, I must say that I did learn alot of Bible truths when I started with the WTS, Hellfire, Eternal Soul, Trinity etc.. and I did think at one stage I was lucky, and since they kept telling me I was. But I've found that they've just replaced one religious Lie with another religious Lie, e.g. Christ return in 1914, Jerusalem being destroyed in 607. The WTS being the FDS, NO Blood Transfusions etc..

    It is really only the large main stream religions that have the Mass, where they just go threw the motions, the priest says his bit and the people say their bit, and it go's on for 45 mins untill they go home, so really even if someone attends the mass every sunday morning for 20 years they will never really learn any thing of what the bible says.

    The WTS use this, they give the impression that all other religions are like this, but its not the case, there are many smaller relgions these days who teach the bible to their flock, I've meet many with whom I was very impressed with in regards to their bible knowledge, some Assemlby of God, some Coptic Authordox, of course no JW's are allowed to examine other religions once they've become JW's so I guess most JW's will never know this, they will just keep beleiveing what ever the WTS tells, since the WTS are the only religion who truly have a 'captured Audience'.

  • Mutz

    Never, it was just another load of cobblers.

  • minimus

    "Living in a spiritual paradise within the congregation" is just so silly. Most members can't stand one another.

  • BluesBrother

    I used to think so.

    But what really is a Spiritual Paradise ? the term is coined, as far as I know, by the J W's . Is it really "Spirituality" to know a lot of things about the WT doctrine? I could then discuss the 'signs of the times' the chronology that led to 1914, the reasons for abstaining from blood, and lots of othe stuff unique to the WTS.

    I also learned a lot of biblical knowledge and that is worthwhile , but as somebody else said some other churches and bible schools can also offer this with no credit whatsoever from the men in Brooklyn ..I used to think I knew it all , but in fact I was "Pitiable, poor blind and naked" Rev 3.17

  • mama

    Spiritual trial and tribulation more like it. I remember dragging my two kids, 3 and 2 to the meetings by myself when my hubby was working, trying to make them sit still and be quiet, only to have some bitchy elders wife come up afterwards to say, looks like you had a hard time with the kids, once you get them here more regularly it will get easier. I wanted to tell her where to go, like, you are so loving and christian and you see me struggling with the kids, do nothing and then come up and remark on it. If you can't help out, shut up. I wasn't looking for her help but I wasn't looking for her judgement. I remember crying on the way to meetings because I didn't want to go but felt I had too. Thank God I saw the light and left, it is funny to see ppl who become witnesses, super zealous as they say, and then after a few years, ppl relax around them, stop being on their best behavior and they see what its really like. Then all the witnesses are so shocked when they up and leave. I would rather stick knives in my eyes then walk in a kingdom hall again, it just gives me the chills to think of it. Spiritual paradise, umm, nope, spiritual hell.

  • pr_capone

    A spiritual desert perhaps. And I sometimes feel as if I am still there.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • kaykay_mp

    Well, the Hare Krishnas are unique, too; but I don't know if you call hanging out at the airport in a drafty tunic a "spiritual paradise."



  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    no, never. not even one spiritual moment. not that i wasn't trying.

    i luv this...

    A spiritual desert perhaps.
  • czarofmischief

    Yes. But those girls got me disfellowshipped - har har har...

    Seriously, that was the closest I got to anything resembling a meaningful happiness. Sad, really.


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