my JW daughter in law, and the DC!!

by Mulan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    We had a minor breakthrough in the family this week. My eldest son's wife is the only one of my little family still attending anything to do with JW's. Last weekend she attended Friday at the District Convention, with her sister, her sister's 12 year old daughter, and my two grandsons, 6 years and 8 months.

    Two things happened there:
    1. She took her 6 year old to the bathroom, and another sister in line complained to her, that this child wasn't using the men's room, and the attendants had asked that boys do that. She answered her that he is only 6. He is a tall boy, and does look older. Then this
    woman said "why can't his father take him to the bathroom?" At this point, my daughter in law, was pissed, and she can really tell you off, believe me!! She smiled, and said "he isn't here. he isn't a JW." I'm quite sure it took all the self control she has, not to tell this woman to F_ _ _ Off. And she has done that too. So much for the strict JW stuff. I am sure that woman must have felt pretty low for saying that, at least I hope she did.

    2. Her sister has just gone through a very ugly divorce, and her ex has
    gone everywhere spreading dirt about her, and the dubs are choosing up sides. She
    was dealt with by her congregation, and not disfellowshipped, but because of his big mouth, people ARE shunning her as if she were. She quit going to the KH months ago, but for some reason they all went to the DC. Just on Friday though. I doubt they will go to any other sessions this week, or next.

    So, after telling my son these happenings, my daughter in law told him that she does not feel like she belongs there
    anymore. My heart just soared, because she knows much of what
    we do, but it doesn't matter to her. Mainly she hasn't wanted to hear anything about it at all. "It's the truth" is her
    stubborn refrain. She told him that she still believes it's the
    truth but the people don't LIVE what they teach. So his reply to
    her was "it doesn't sound like you talked to very many Christians
    there", and she said that was right, and she didn't.

    It made my day!!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • SixofNine

    {in Assembly Chairman voice, loud yet distant:}

    Thank you for sharing that encouraging news, Sister Mulan. As the days get ever nearer to the future, when we no longer have to be part of this wicked old system, due to our not being here anymore, we certainly ALL pray for similar "good news" among our own families and loved ones! {voice rises consistantly and strongly to the big finish, so you sleepy heads know to applaud}


  • mommy

    WOOHOO! Another one bites the dust!

    I am very happy for you Mulan! When I was in, I saw the love that the org tries to tell us it has, is just not there. Such as this woman's comment. Jw's are so used to being "right" they have a hard time understanding others lifestyles, and imperfections. Everyday, more and more are leaving, this makes me so happy

    Blind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene

  • Mulan

    Wendy your new pic is so cute!! You look about 12. Some people have that eternal youth thing down pat.

    Thanks for your comments. We are pretty optimistic. I was really happy when her sister got in trouble, last winter, not because of the trouble, but because I knew it would start a landslide of emotional stuff with my daughter in law. And it did, with all the judgmental crap. None of them are going to that KH anymore, since the ex husband goes there. So, they just don't go.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • mommy

    You really think I look like I am 12? I have never heard that before

    wendy(wondering if I will ever grow up)

    Blind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene

  • TweetieBird

    I think you look 12 too. Better was out for the pedophiles, oh, I forgot, you don't go to the KH anymore. You're safe!

  • TweetieBird

    Mulan, didn't mean to leave you out. I'm so glad for you that someday maybe your whole family will be free.

  • Mulan

    Hmmm. Don't believe you, Wendy!!!

  • mommy

    OK Mulan, I will not tell the truth. That pic is after I used photshop. This is my real pic:


    Blind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene

  • Mulan

    Much better Wendy. I feel so much better now.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

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