USA ups the stakes to $350million

by Brummie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    Just announced on Sky, but what a disgrace for Sky News to mention an email sent by some american joe bloggs who stated that he didnt think the USA should support the crisis since indonesia is Anti American... After all the help the USA give they have to refer to one measly stupid email! Grr

  • Englishman

    Yep, Excellent!

    The BBC announced the USA was rumoured to have upped it's contribution to around £182 million.

    Nothing from Russia yet.


  • SixofNine

    Woohoo. We're the best again! Hey, why don't we give 100 billion? We seem to be able to pull that amount out of our ass whenever we need it for something really important, like occupying another country.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Here's a link to CNN about the new pledge:

  • Brummie

    Six, almost every country has done exactly the same when it comes to this, dont know how much England spent on war but I garuantee its billions more than we will give to this.


  • Englishman

    Sobering thought indeed, Brummie.


  • Fleur

    it's about freaking time! glad to hear the news.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Yesterday I was at a warehouse store where there was placed a huge plactic cube to let customers leaving donate any "spare change" to the Tsunami victums. There was no coins in the box, instead almost everyone passing by (which was a lot of people) put in bills. When I passed by there was already about 3 feet of ones, fives, tens and some twenty dollar bills. This chain of has about 1,000 stores. If every store had a box I figured that they themselves raised a couple of million dollars yesterday alone. Outside of the government itself, I think there is going to be a lot of money raised privately by the public. Yesterday everyone was opening up their wallets.

  • Special K
    Special K

    I know this is not a peeing match to see one country give more than another.

    I am heartened to know that any country or person is giving to help out in light of this terrible, terrible tragedy.

    from my local newspaper this morning.

    Ottawa, meanwhile, announced a moratorium on debt for countries affected by the tsunamis. Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew said the moratorium will be in effect as the area rebuilds. Indonesia owes the most, at $588 million Cdn,
    Canada has so far allocated $40 million, to the aid effort, and is working primarily through humanitarian organizations such as World Vision and Doctors Without Borders. Ottawa has also sent planeloads of relief supplies.

    I've also read that Austraila has pledged 60 million in relief efforts.

    This is just a great giving on the part of everyone.

    Special K

  • Satanus

    All this giving without expecting returns is truly touching.


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