Governing Body & The Borg rejected?

by TheApostleAK 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    Just watching a show with Gerald Flurry on it and I thought his talk was appropriate. It was regarding the prophecies of Jeremiah re: rejection of ancient Israel.

    Question I asked myself "Could Jehovah ever reject modern day spiritual Israel?"

    Jeremiah 31:37
    Hosea 9:15-17 (All their badness was in Bethel...)(Princes = Elders)(Ephraim = Governing Body, FDS, The Borg).

    From TheApostleAK

  • individual

    I think he already has.I was always deeply concerned of this possability when I was regularly attending the meetings. I was concerned about the words in Matt 24:48,49. Esp vs 49.
    In the last 10 years I was noticing how the society was placing a greater emphasis on money and on ways to donate, to me it showed that they were not relying on Jehovah. The constant reminders sure felt like bullying.

  • hippikon

    I think the question is did he ever accept them?

    "God was evolutions biggest mistake"
  • TweetieBird

    Excellent question. Back when I still believed it was the truth, I started wondering the same thing. The last time we studied "The Greatest Man" book this thought crossed my mind and fueled my lingering doubts. Fast forward a couple of years and I have to agree with Hippikon, "I think the question is did he ever accept them?"

    The organization is always talking about how you have to have a solid foundation. What is now considered to be "the Truth" was founded on lies and anything but the truth.

  • ozziepost

    I must agree with Hippikon too, "Did he ever accept them?"

    The Witnesses claim that when Jesus came to his heavenly throne and inspected those to whom he had entrusted his word, he rejected them and "grafted on" those associated with C T Russell. Why would he? After 2,000 years why would Jesus reject those calling on his name, no matter how weakly, and choose a small group of Bible students whose beliefs are now so much differenet to what they were 100 years ago? Hard to see the logic in it?

    ApostleAK, Are you using Witness theology when you phrase the question "modern day spiritual Israel"? BTW are not the spiritual Israelites the Christianised Israelites of the first century?


    "So often, the unpolished
    the disjointed
    Is on its way to the truth
    Ahead of the finished
    the polished."

    Ken Walsh, Sometimes I Weep

  • Farkel

    : I think he already has.

    How can he reject those someones he never accepted in the first place?

    If he DID accept them in the first place, then he is pretty stupid. Then again, he was pretty stupid for supporting a culture for thousands of years because some guy was willing to kill his Son at his own orders. That Father was pretty stupid, the Nation he backed was pretty stupid, too. Therefore, God is pretty stupid if one believes in the Bible stories. God simply makes bad decisions and even worse, he kills a whole bunch of people because he made those bad decisions in the first place.

    Go figure it out. I can't.


  • kes152

    Hey Fark,

    May YOU have peace!

    hmmm... I don't know if I should respond or... if I should "let you be."

    Perhaps I will speak with you later. But I AM sending you my greetings. For I have not forgotten you.

    Peace bro,

  • ianao


    This is usually where you worm in, right?

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    To Hippikon and Ozziepost:
    Excellent answers!
    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Not Perfect
    Not Perfect

    OMG, Don't you guys know that you are opening the door for
    MDS to trot out his interpretation of the scriptures that have

    Not Perfect, and never will be!

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