Warm welcome

by peggy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • peggy

    I enjoyed each and every comment, you all expressed yourselves well. The fashion show was outstanding!

    I haven't found my way around fully yet. I have no idea what PM is. Is that like e-mail. I have been visiting this sight for a few weeks. I like reading what others have to say. There is not one item that I don't in someway relate to. I have had every question enter my mind that has entered yours. Being around the WT org. for 40 plus years, I have experienced it all, the good, the bad and the ugly. I am careful not to look for a guru, or another group that may demand my allegiance. My abusive therapist took advantage of me. Talk about mind control. My trust is very limited!

    I've never been alone in my life. I married right out of high school at 18. My husband and I seperated last March. My three children are all adults. I have along way to go to find who I am. I plan on getting a college education in psychology. I have a deep love of people, always have. I am currently a licensed Massage therapist. My interests are Mind, Body, Soul. Health, contentment, peace to you ALL!



  • Beans




    Canadian District Overbeer

  • myself

    Welcome Peggy! I was scanning the board and saw your post(s). There is nothing wrong with caution. Enjoy your time in (re)discovering who you are.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    PM is private message. move your mouse over someone's name and you will see a menu appear. choose the one that says Send Message, then you can send them a private message, which they will see when they log on, at the top left corner of the screen... it will say Inbox (2 new messages).

    i totally understand about trust. anyway, nice to see you , and don't be a'scareded, you're doin great

    the best thing about this place is that at least one person on any given day can relate to something posted here, and that in itself is comforting, 'cause you don't feel lost anymore.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    welcome, Peggy,

    This is a comfortable place to be if you are fading out of the JWs....

    and I encourage you to chase that Pyschology degree...education is always worth pursuing!

    good luck to you, Frank

  • Carmel

    Hi Peggy! I'm your new guru! Trust me!



  • bebu

    Peg... I wouldn't trust that guru carmel if I was you...

    But of course, I'm 100% reliable! I think I even have a certificate...



  • gespro


    And there's nothing wrong with being cautious.

    Disclaimer: Some of these online boards can strip the sensitivity from people because there isn't a face to accompany the words. Misunderstandings can sometimes turn into a shooting match if not for the Moderators. Your personal experience will vary...

  • little witch
    little witch

    Welcome to the board Peggy!

    I too married young and am now amidst a divorce. I felt "defined" by my roles as wife and mother and had no clue who I was. I am just now figuring that out. Fear of the unknown, and the change of routine can be nerve wracking. I find it helps to think of this as a positive thing. I have sacrificed much in order to care for my family over the years. I neglected myself in many areas. My education, health, spirituallity, and emotional well being took a back seat to everyone else. I am finding it most enjoyable to begin this journey of self. I still feel pangs of guilt from time to time, but I am beginning to feel more comfortable in my new life.

    Your kids will always love and need you, just in a less demanding way. You will grow and learn more and more of your own talents, desires, and goals. I wish you all the best as you discover yourself and begin your journey. May the pain recede and your self esteem flourish!


  • ozziepost

    G'day Peggy and welcome aboard!1

    We're very happy to have your company and to 'hear' what you have experienced at the hamds of the borgmeiisters.

    Stay strng and------keep smilingf!

    Cheer from downunder,

    Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)

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