If God created complex creation - out of the mouths of babes answer!

by qwerty 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • qwerty

    We know the WTS offical answer to this but,

    If God created complex unique creation and is the amazing designer - he must be as equally unique and complexed! Surely God would need a creater too????

    A friend at works daughter asked him the above question but in simpler terms/wording. How would you now answer this Q without WTS reasoning?


  • stillajwexelder

    Could not give you a simple answer but could do it mathematically by asking you to sum a geometric series to infinity and with discussions about infinity - I still believe in God by the way

  • qwerty

    I need a whiskey! But who Created God, apart from Man?


  • qwerty

    But who Created God, apart from Man? I mean, sorry.

    A Muslim Colleague of mine just given me this.......... http://www.islamic.org.uk/gde.html


  • stillajwexelder

    Well that is another thought - Jethro Tull album in 1970 - Aqaualung sung about Man Creating God in His Own Image

  • tmo

    I was recently reading a book of Bertrand Russel's discourses. In one discourse on why he does not believe in Christianity, he makes this same argument. Religionists will often cite the "first cause" argument when stating why they believe in God. They also use the "great design" argument. Russel's counterargument is precisely what you are asking, "who is the cause of God"? The argument cannot be used to explain God's existence since it there is no explanation of what or who caused God. In a similar way, the design argument falls flat when using it to prove God's existence. That is worth reading - in Border's philosophy section.

    I do believe in God, but I have other reasons for my belief.

  • stillajwexelder

    great link qwerty thankyou

  • Robdar
    Well that is another thought - Jethro Tull album in 1970 - Aqaualung sung about Man Creating God in His Own Image

    Ah, Jethro Tull and Aqualung. Interesting lyrics on that one. Interesting cover too.

    ?In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him?.


  • qwerty

    Oh no I can see this turning into a Jethro music thread!

  • peacefulpete

    Interestingly that link argued that Christians have caused the problem by asserting that whatever was unexplained by science was God's doing(God of the Gaps), then proceeds to assert that new physics have required a more complex and uncertain explanation for some phenomena, and that this make belief in God logical. Nothing more than the same meaningless rhetoric.

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