In 2015....

by Gill 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    In only ten years the generation of 1914 will be well and truly gone so what then for those left still waiting for Armageddon. I'm thinking of friends and relatives here, and feeling sorry that they're wasting more time in the cult and that life's too short for that. What's the chances of they're seeing sense in the near future? Sadly, it doesn't seem very likely to happen to me.

    What a waste of life.

    My cousins will have not bothered haiving children, and it will be too late to change their minds as the biological clock will have signaled too late by then and my parents will have wasted a life time.

  • zenpunk

    That's why they changed the viewpoint on "this generation". At that time a lot of people realized what was going on and made a speedy exit. Unfortunately many who are still in will be there no matter what the "new light" will be.

  • peacefulpete

    I've said it many times but DOCTRINE is IRRELEVANT. the sole purposes of doctrine is to (1) isolate, doctrines are exclusive intellectual property of a group. (2) ego boost, related to 1, doctrines give small and poor cults the justification for arrogance. "We teach the truth! You teach lies!"

  • Gill

    I agree with you both but.... I would have to believe that all my relatives were TOTALLY brain dead to not have some doubt by now. There must some little sparks of rebellion going on in their heads and I, like I think a lot of others were very much like them, ONCE.

    Yes they are indoctrinated and, though I know there is still controversy on the meaning of the word from earlier posts, I think they're brainwashed especially those brought up from infancy.

    I think the CULT aspect of the belief system that operates in the JW society should be pushed and advertised more. Them members can keep denying it and turning away but some of it must stick eventually. If it wasn't for my relatives I don't think I'd want to push this furthur. I'd just think, tough. More fool them, just as I used to be.

    But as happy as I am to be out of the cult I feel that some important people have been left behind and would like to land a punch, with the help of everyone else, on the WTBTS's nose.

    I think this might take time and effort by a lot of people but some of it has got to hit home eventually.

  • Panda

    They believe they've been given the keys to a mystery and only dubs can understand, thus they believe that they still have the truth.. th ever changing truth.

  • heathen
    I'd have to say at the point they run out of the " anointed" they will realize that only the ones that died as martyrs really qualify for the position anyway . The whole cutting off date doctrine is not scriptural . They realize all they have to do is retool some doctrine and the rest will follow in suit . It must really suck to be a dub .
  • garybuss

    Yup! In reality, Witnesses are Witnesses not because of the teachings but in spite of them. They stay Witnesses in the face of overwhelming evidence that the group leaders don't have one single clue what they are writing about. They stay Witnesses because they get more out of it than it costs them to belong.

    All life's questions are answered for them. They are answered wrong, but they are answered, that's all many care. Witnessism is a convenient excuse to deny the responsibilities of life and to continue a path of behavior against the individual's best interest. For example, doing unpaid religious literature distribution instead of working at a job that provides benefits such as health insurance.

    For some the regimen of ritual meetings and rote service is worth the perceived social acceptance, or for many like me, the hope of social acceptance. For some it's worth mixing with the Witness group to avoid being shunned. Some apparently truly believe in the concept of the divine directed business corporation and the always future paradise earth. Maybe some actually see Witnessism as their only alternative to dying.

    If they are the happiest people on earth they have done one hell of a job of fooling me.

  • Gill


    Thanks for replying.

    Gary, if that is the case then and Witnesses stay 'in' for social acceptance and despite the teachings then if it wasn't for the practice of 'shunning' it would be possible in time to get even the most die hard witness to really "think" even if it took years of chipping away at their brainwashed condition.

    In fact that makes me more hopeful.

    I've been thinking about how, when we were witnesses, we were told that eventually something, usually something sad or disastorous, would happen to the people that we spoke to about the 'truth' and they would be more receptive to the 'bible troofs' we were preaching to them about. One day they would, if they had the right heart condition at the time' listen.

    Is it possible it could happen in reverse also?

  • Golf

    Gill, the only dates I adventure in, is with my wife. At least I know the day and hour when the date will be!


  • heathen
    LMAO@garybus --- You know you are in a cult when you argue with people over facts that don't exist only because a publishing corporation prints it in a magazine and you spend hours convincing yourself that it's true under the supervision of dictators (elders) that will punish you despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary . The new light is always the same shade of grey as the old .

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