Natural selection and parachutes the size of a blanket...

by Abaddon 6 Replies latest social humour

  • Abaddon

    This is rather spectacular.

    It is footage of a guy in a wingsuit and another landing using a parachute the size of a picnic blanket. It's well worth the 5Mb download if you like that shit.

    Always makes me think of natural selction. I'm sure 10,000 years he'd have found an equally dangerous thing to do. Either way, it doesn't seem to be a good characteristic to have if you want to pass your genes on.

    But, then again, maybe the blanket-parachutists and sabre-tooth ticklers get laid more, making it an Evolutionary Stable Stratagy.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    But, then again, maybe the blanket-parachutists and sabre-tooth ticklers get laid more, making it an Evolutionary Stable Stratagy.

    that Luis Cani Jr. is soooo hot...

  • Aude_Sapere

    Thanks for the link!!

    A group at work are going sky-diving in a couple of weeks. I just might go along!!

    I've done one dive and my 'chute was about the size shown in that video. Freaked me out each time the diver in that video ditched the open 'chute. I had terrible nightmares that that would happen to me!!

    I didn't. I landed safely and was so, so glad I took the 'plunge'...!!

    Thanks again for the link!!

  • AlanF

    All I can say is that guy is one hell of a parachutist!

    I wonder how good the guy with the wingsuit would have done.


  • Abaddon

    Alan; I think the size of the guy's balls might help with slowing him ;-)

    The guy in the wingsuit wants to attempt a landing WITH the wingsuit... rather than popping the 'chute after free-fall.

  • Simon

    Jeepers !

    I suspect modern technology is just inventing new ways to refine the gene pool

  • toreador

    Wow, that is amazing. I value my life and limbs more than that though.

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