Love Isn't Enough

by Heaven_Inur_Eyes 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • Heaven_Inur_Eyes

    I am 19 years old and my best friend was a male jehovah's witness member.he was and continues to be deeply influenced by his parents and fellow religion members.We fell in love and secretly maintained a relationship for well beyond a year until the day came where people found out and he could not deny it. due to much suffering we were seperated because of these people that didnt want us together. i ended up having to leave the country because it was too hard for me and we havent spoken since. i know we still love each other he wants me to leave my religion and be with him. we are so young and have been through soooooo much. I would do anything for him but everyone seems to want us apart and are constantly lableling us sinful and myself the devil that has tempted him. it hurts to have our good memories made to feel like a bad thing. I mean what is so wrong in 2 people loving eachother i think god has too many problems on this earth to worry about than 2 people that do no wrong and care about eachother. I dont know what to do........ I know I have to make things right somehow..i'll take him the way he is i just want to be accepted by his family and friends. I know that maybe we'll never be together in that way again i know he doesnt contact me because its to hard and he needs to move on or else it will never end but its so unfair and i'm so angry because of it. does anyone have any advice?


  • Sirona

    Welcome to the forum Heaven.

    There are many people who have experienced the things you have. Please go to this link

    I hope that helps you gain more insight into the JWs. They are a cult religion, which I'm sure you have realised from the control they have exerted on your boyfriend. Joining them is certainly not the answer.


  • Maverick

    Sirona has given you good counsel. This is a tactic of JW's to extort you to join them. There would be no end to the unloving, selfish manipulations the followers of that cult would stoop to in the pursuit of guilting you into their fold. They claim they are all about love, but in fact they are all about guilt, shame, fear and hate wrapped up in a sack of selfishness that is the true mark of the WTS.

  • Heaven_Inur_Eyes

    I guess what gets to me is the fact that they have this fairy tale like story they believe in that their people are exempt from sin and bad things.They would believe a lie from a witness but they wont listen to the truth from me. no matter what i do i will never be apart of that or be the first thing he thinks of without feeling guilty, he makes it seem like its all my fault. Him being so deeply centered in his sometimes 'crazy' beliefs scares me. i realise they are now labeled as a cult ....he doesnt see it or maybe just doesnt care. he doesnt question his religion and what he is taught. In reality there are so many things that dont add up! i cant believe he would put it all over me. he doesnt question anything! They say they do not judge, but then why are they so quick to judge me and get rid of me. I feel sorry for him. i wouldn't be happy converting. i know i could never live the way they would like me too...i could never give my life up to someone who would be ashamed of me and whati believe in but i always though as long as we respected eachother nothing is impossible. sometimes i feel completely brainwashed and i give up and just agree with him. i could never raise a child or be in a family where i could not be free to have political opinions and indulge in holidays for the sake of just being happy. i believe birthdays are to be celebrated not forgotten. People comment that he has changed, when he is with me he is different...a lot happier and care free he forgets about his religious duties he becomes a better person. this is seen by jehovah's as the devil and evil coming into his life to stray him from the path... And I ask what on earth did i do to deserve this?

    thanks everyone

  • avishai

    Wow. You hit the nail on the head more conciseley in two posts than most of us have in thousandsI

    guess what gets to me is the fact that they have this fairy tale like story they believe in that their people are exempt from sin and bad things.They would believe a lie from a witness but they wont listen to the truth from me

    perfect. Exactly their whole problem.

    And I ask what on earth did i do to deserve this?
    Nothing Not a damn thing. Loving someone is all. And that is'nt wrong.
  • avishai


  • Heaven_Inur_Eyes

    The Most Annoying thing is when i ask a witness a question and they give me as a response some metaphor about corn and farmers and black sheep......i completly lose it. I dont understand why they cant see that there are so many questions they need to answer and so many things that dont fit.....are they elders drugging them or something?????. i dont even know what to write or say anymore!!!!!!!!....If these people believe only god can judge then why so quick to judge me.....oh yeah thats right i am the work of the devil i was put here to mislead their child. Doesnt this sound like something out of a best seller....not real life. with the recent disaster in Asia can they say that god punished all those innocent people who died just to mock us and show mankind what will happen UNLESS WE CONVERT....because thats what their all about the destruction of this earth and the paradise for believers in the future. ok then i'm gonna start my own religion, which will be offcourse the 'true' religion...i'm gonna make up a bunch of songs and get a little community hall going......better yet i'm going to read the bible and work out how i'm going to use it to benefit me and destroy the life of anyone who steps in the way of my perfect little dream. I know i sound like i really hate them.....i dont, i dont think i've ever hated anyone.....i'm not that kind of person< i've just got alot of anger. so i go on thinking that one person can make a difference. I believe all religions have their darksides nothing is would be all really boring and stupid if it was. but unlike every other religion this one has personally made it their new years resolution to see me vanish......unless i decide to convert and adopt their ways....haha i think i know an ultimatum when i see one and this is a lose lose situation.....

    Happy New Year Everyone!!!!! Be Safe

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    thank you.


  • giDeOn aNgELo
    giDeOn aNgELo


    this is an anti-jw forum?

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