Earthquake: Attention to all the people in California etc.

by Erich 11 Replies latest social current

  • Erich

    Attention to all people in California etc.

    Earthquakes have a peculiar attribute: They appear on different point of the planet within very SHORT times. Nobody knows why; but its a proven fact.

    At Dec. 22 this week (on Wednesday) a very strong earthquake appered in the Antarctic region (8,2 on Richter scale). If you are not aware of, look at:

    4 days later, the hugh earthquake hits the south east asian region. Magnitude 8,9 on Richter scale.

    Which region in the world could be the next?

    All you people in California, be careful, and keep on watching..


  • Elsewhere

    This is IT!!!!!

    Armageddon is starting!!!!!!

    Armageddon is starting!!!!!!

    Run away!!! Run away!!!

  • Amazing1914

    Hi Erich,

    I am trying to decide if you meant your post to be humorous, or if you really believe that you are being enlightening. I don't like offending people, so, if after you read my response, and you feel offended, then please understand that is not my intent.

    Attention to all people in California etc.

    I grew up in California, and experienced many earthquakes. As a native Californian I can attest that every Californian I knew understood and remains well aware of the fact that earthquakes can cause great harm. There are many earthquake prone areas all over earth. Why do you feel it necessary to warn Californians? Do you think they have forgotten about earthquakes? And what can they do about it anyway?

    Earthquakes have a peculiar attribute: They appear on different point of the planet within very SHORT times. Nobody knows why; but its a proven fact.

    Really, a proven fact? Wow, I never knew that! Just kidding. Although I am not a seismologist or geologist, I did work with seismic studies for nuclear power plants in my engineering career. We had to test equipment to operate during an earthquake. Contrary to your comment, scientists do know why earthquakes happen ... in fact, seismologists can give some level of prediction. They measure stresses near and at fault lines, such as the San Andreas fault in California, and can approximate an expectation. So, your point seems a little, shall we say, dated.

    At Dec. 22 this week (on Wednesday) a very strong earthquake appered in the Antarctic region (8,2 on Richter scale). If you are not aware of, look at: 4 days later, the hugh earthquake hits the south east asian region. Magnitude 8,9 on Richter scale.

    Large earthquakes release enourmous energy, and this is why they may trigger tidal waves and can trigger earthquakes in other areas under stress that are about to have an earthquake anyway. Many earthquakes are centered on tectonic plates, which carry continents. These plates move very slowly and as they collide they generally form subduction zones which generate heat and lava. This is due to one plate sliding under the other. In such situations earthquakes are not common or very strong because the stress is gradually being released every day.

    In other cases, these plates form great pressure until finally something gives. In California, most earthquakes are small, and release energy a little at a time, preventing big quakes. In other cases, especially the San Andreas fault, pressure tends to build over time. This is because the pacific plate is sliding north and tends to put pressure on the continental plate. There is no known subduction zone along the San Andreas that could gradually release energy until you get out into the Pacific.

    Which region in the world could be the next?

    Any region in the world that has tectonic plates under great stress could be next. Seismologists and geologists have developed very detailed maps of seismic zones throughout the entire planet. You can find this on line, and see where the hot zones are. See this site for some ideas:

    All you people in California, be careful, and keep on watching..

    I lived near the San Andreas, and when I was 15 years old I was doing just as you said ... watching ... but my watching could not help me. I was knocked to the ground by waves of dirt coming at me. Yes, loose soil moves just like water waves during an earthquake. So, what do you expect the people in California to do? The only effective plan would be to leave the state.

    Thanks for an entertaining post. - Jim W.

  • Erich


    Sorry, I didnt write my lines for YOU, who is full of wisdom, knowledge and grandeur.

    I only wrote my lines for the weak common people. So forget it all.



    Everyone knows all of us in Kawleefornicate are gonna get hit soon with a "big one"...'cause de Debil lives out here. He's a surfer you know...drives a '32 deuce....drives up and down Sunset lookin' ta steal stem cells so's he can clone more little apostate debils.


  • Odrade

    LMAO!!! Bonezz is funny.

    Amazing, great info. I don't know much about earthquakes other than being a "sign of his presence." LOL! hmm. maybe Else is right! Armaggeddon is coming! Run away!

  • Amazing1914


    It appears you were offended. As I stated, that was not my purpose.

    Jim W.

  • Mulan

    I saw a man from USGS on Fox news this morning, who said that these very strong earthquakes start a planet-wide sequence that can last 72 hours. He said the earthquake (8.1) near Antartica on Wednesday and now this one (8.9) are not coincidental, that they were so close together.

    The tidal waves all over SE Asia, and storm the surges hitting Africa's West coast now, are all part of the sequence.

  • mustang

    Hey Amazing:

    Dragon Lady & I just paid off the house!!! So, we will own this hunk of dirt: rubble, subduction zones & all

    If I can leave the Dubz in 1974 and miss the "sure thing, Big-A in 1975", I think I will hold my own w/ California shakers

    Happy Holidaze & all that hoo-rah!!!


    PS, I notice that you moved to China, "neighbor". Ni hao ma!!!

  • FreeWilly

    Actually Erich is correct about the observed phenomenon of large Earthquakes triggering other Earthquakes. I would't go so far as calling it a "proven fact" but there appears to have substance.

    The article is an observational study of a phenomenon called earthquake triggering, where seismic waves from one earthquake cause other earthquakes to take place, sometimes thousands of kilometers away if the triggering quake is large.

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