Gumbys Daily Text for the Day

by gumby 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    Hello my brothers and sisters. May god be with you this fine and lovely day. I wanted to share something close to my heart this day and I've chosen Genesis 4:14. This text shows the danger of being cast off by god if you disobey him and really get him mad.

    This is the story about Cain who killed his big brother Adam cuz he was jealous of him.

    Genesis 4:14 "Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid ; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me."

    I still haven't figured out who these ones were that Cain was worried about who might have killed him since to only two people on the planet when he uttered those words were his mom and dad. Maybe he thought if mom and dad had more kids they'd come after him when they growed up for him killing big bubba Adam and get revenge. I guess god dind't trust mom and dad anymore to raise decent kids.....I don't know.

    May the Lord bless you all this wonderful season,

    Praise Jah all you lovers of goodness!


  • Brummie
    This is the story about Cain who killed his big brother Adam

    Interesting...Did he kill adam before he killed Able?


  • ko38

    well, heres how it was explained to me.Supposedly Adam and EVe had been doing it like rabbits and had many more children.and Cain and able had supposedly had kids and their kids had some kids.AN elder told me that we dont know at what time frame ABLes murder occured.So there may have been as many as 13 tribes already on the earth at that time. Proving that seems impossible from the bible.Whats up with the reading into scriptures there huh? Sounded good at the time though.

  • under74

    "I guess god dind't trust mom and dad anymore to raise decent kids..."

    They obviousley didn't...not just the killings but the incest. That story in the My Book Of Bible Stories book always bothered me. Now anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but as I remember it in the book they have a picture of Cain being driven out and he's got a woman next to him--it's gotta be one of his sisters.....did I dream that picture? Anyway, I know the Earth needed to be populated but....did it have to be like that?

  • Sunnygal41
    Interesting...Did he kill adam before he killed Able?


    Good catch! (p.s. Brum, I think his name is spelled A - B - E - L..........)

  • Golf

    Gumbie, didn't you know that Alfred Hitchcock wrote Genesis? Now you know why you don't know the answer to that incident, be patient, the ending or climax is awesome!

  • gumby

    Ok ya bastards....I got the Adam/Abel thingy and the editing here isn't working as I've tried to fix it.

    So an edlder told you there may have been 13 tribes on the earth from Adam and Eve's lively sex life eh? Do you have any idea how long it would take to create 13 tribes? Besides...this doesn't jive with verse 25 which say's.."Adam lay with his wife again and she bore him a son names Seth saying....god has granted me another child in place of Abel because Cain killed him".

    Had she had more children BEFORE this, she would not have made that statement.

    So I wonder.....what kind of "mark" did god put on Cain in case someone did indeed find him? Maybe it was a big ugly tattoo on his forhead that said....."don't even try it or my dad will kick yer ass!"


  • RunningMan

    I love this story. The Bible says that Cain becomes a fugitive and a wanderer, and is sent off to the land of Nod. Now, there are three people on the face of the earth (give or take a handful). Why would there be another country. And, the Bible says that Cain eventually god married, had a family, and founded a city. That doesn't exactly sound like a wanderer. So, his penalty, really, was that he had to move to another place. By that standard, I should have about four free murders coming.

    But, my favorite part is about Cain's wife. I believe I said it best myself, so I will just provide the excerpt from my book:

    The story implies, in many respects including this one, that there were other people around and about. Yet, the Bible story does not allow for this. All persons are descended from Adam and Eve. There were no other people. So, the only source for Cain?s wife would be his own siste r.
    This raises some interesting questions. For example, how does one go about courting one?s sister? I don?t suppose their courtship took the normal course, i.e. Cain meeting her at a party and chatting her up. I expect his pick up line looked something like this: ?So, baby, if I were the only man on earth, would you go out out with me?? I bet it worked every time.
    Then you have to wonder, did he ask her father for her hand? And, would Adam have declined, perhaps objecting to Cain?s religion (he was a bad sacrificer), or maybe to the fact that he was not just a convict, he was the world?s first and only convict? Apparently, Adam?s daughters must have liked ?the bad boys?.
  • gumby

    RunningMan........that's another good point you bring out as to WHERE Cain went. It says he went to "NOD" if the place already was named and existed. Maybe when Adam named all the millions of animals and insects......he also named cities that didn't exist yet. God gave him a map of the earth....and he named the areas, Cain looked over the map, and Nod looked like the happening place to be.


  • melmac

    Also: If humans were not allowed to eat animals at that time, how did Abel conclude that killing animals and offering their fat to God would somehow please him??? And how was Cain supposed to know that his offerings displeased God? Can we blame him on that?

    And how would God punish "sevefold" someone who eventually killed Cain ? By killing said murderer seven times? By killing six more people of his family? Anyway, didn't everyone back then know that killing was not allowed? Or did they need some special prohibition from God (who didn't care to inform them what pleased or displeased Him)?

    There's also the fact that the ALL animals in the garden of Eden supposedly had vegetation for their food!

    I wish the WTS "really" used that text for the daily study!!

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