JW Baby

by Seeking Knowledge 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    From what I understand, when the offer was made for the shot, she refused it based on her religion. She was crying at work for about a month afterwards, tormented no doubt, but continued to refuse the shot. We all hoped for the best, it's not the baby's fault of course. It's tragic at best. I don't know if the baby is doing good, or what his outcome is, but I will know more today I hope as I must deal with the ex in picking up my son. Needless to say, this has brought some issues to the top in our custody case.

    Thanks for the info everyone, I was hoping for better news.


  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Forgot to add: She was told by her doctor that they are to have no more children. Apparently before she became pregnant with this one, she had suffered a couple miscarriages, which the RH factor increases with each pregnancy, so she KNEW the consequences.

  • Purza

    My friend had this shot while she was a JW. She didn't even think twice about it and all her babies came out healthy. No one in the hall gave her any grief about it.


  • Scully
    Apparently before she became pregnant with this one, she had suffered a couple miscarriages, which the RH factor increases with each pregnancy, so she KNEW the consequences.

    So after allowing all these antibodies to build up in her system following the miscarriages (by the way, she should have had these same Anti-D/WinRho/RhoGam shots after the miscarriages too) she knowingly goes ahead and gets pregnant with this child. Honestly, apart from the sheer stupidity and utter selfishness - the my-standing-before-Jehovah-is-more-important-than-my-baby's-life-or-health-or-well-being attitude in play - to knowingly inflict that on a child, WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING?

    How many times have I heard the WTS boast that being JW is a "protection" and a "safeguard"? Does Jehovah not believe in protecting unborn children?? Obviously, in cases like this they are absolutely, unequivocally WRONG. People who do such stupid things should be arrested for child endangerment.


    These babies are very very sick. Erythroblastosis foetalis often requires triple phototherapy and exchange transfusions and an extended stay in NICU. Frankly, that baby would have been better off if the mother had been smoking crack (and I don't endorse that behaviour either) and taken the RhoGam.

    Love, Scully

  • jgnat

    So, for this baby to survive, it is going to need some transfusions? What if the parents refuse?

    oooh, the dread building up in my soul....

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    I can tell you, from personal experience, and one of the first signs of my ex's dealings back with the JW's...we had our son in for minor surgery, and the question came up for blood, he snatched the paperwork away from me and put NO on the form. I lost my mind, I told him he didn't have the right to make that decision without me, and who was he to decide whether my son had blood to save his life or not? Up until that moment, he had no interest in paperwork, making the appointment, etc...not until they came to that part. It took the doctor, the head of the hospital, etc to come in there and inform him that the minor surgery involved would more than likely not involve blood. As it was, I demanded new paperwork & signed it myself. I don't friggen think so!! Anyway, he'll make sure they refuse any transfusions. Self righteous bunch of.......this all just makes me ill.

  • Scully

    You know, it isn't even "self righteousness" at this point. It is foolhardy recklessness, and if it isn't criminal, it should be.

    Apparently Jehovah's Protection? ends at the point where their stupidity begins. All this for a martyr's badge of We-Refused-Blood-Products-and-Now-Satan-Is-Testing-Our-Faith bull$h!t and the phony accolades of the WTS.

    Seeking Knowledge, I can see exactly why this guy is your EX. How DARE he impose this agony on his wife and their child. What a complete moron. This is a perfect example of how Headship? gets abused by far too many JW men. I'm so glad I don't have them as patients because he would get a piece of my mind. I'd be tempted to give him a vasectomy with a rusty chainsaw just to keep him from ever doing this to another woman or child again.

    Love, Scully

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    thanks Scully...I have thought about it!! I have to say, when I heard the baby was born, I got all upset again, my heart still hurts just a little, but when I found out all of this I realized how lucky I was to not marry this idiot, God was watching out for me for sure, well God and my own doubts but seeing my ex as he is today, I didn't run fast enough. I did get a wonderful little boy to complete MY family, I'd have to say that's the ONLY good thing that came out of my association with the Jehovah's Witnesses!


  • jwbot

    Seeking, make sure your lawyer knows all this, and show him the WT literature where they say the shot is a conscience matter and that they refused it anyway!!! ARRGH!

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