Has the Watchtower lost its credibility?

by truthseeker 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Child abuse, documentarys on Watchtower cover-ups of child molestation, UN scandal, disfellowshipping changes, flip-flop doctrines, loss of life due to refusing blood transfusions, disfellowshipping whistleblowers etc.

    You name it, the Watchtower has done it.

    Years ago, it was hard to hear anything bad about the Society. Other than a few "disgruntled ones" (TM) most people (in and out the org) had little bad to say about the dubs.

    Now, it's only "bad all the time." Everytime a news article on JW appears, it's usually bad.

    It seems the only good media attention they get these days is coverage of their district conventions and the odd quickbuild.

    Have the attitudes of people changed towards JW's in your community?

    Do JW's have a fear of wondering if they will encounter questioning individuals on the work?

    Do they even have an answer for "those that are taunting" them?

    I feel that JW's have lost their credibility.

    After all, if you knew a publishing company who had downsized as much as the Watchtower, would you your hard earned money in its stocks?

    They have lost their polished image; the mirror only reflects the discontent that many feel about the organization.

  • iiz2cool
    It seems the only good media attention they get these days is coverage of their district conventions and the odd quickbuild.

    This reminded me of the 1986 convention in Hamilton, Ontario. One major newspaper devoted nearly a full page to the story, which included a large photo of the baptism. But the story itself was almost entirely devoted to interviews the reporter had with "apostates" who were picketing. I remember many witnesses were quite pissed off about the article.


  • confusedjw

    Thus the reason that in so many countries with education and the internet growth is either zero or negative.

  • JustTickledPink

    I think mainstream America has always rolled their eyes at JW's bad or good press coverage. In school I was always picked on, parents didn't want their kids talked to about the JW stuff... I think the beliefs themselves is the worst press, not even the scandals.

  • metatron

    I think there is a significant difference between public articles about Witnesses suffering for a moral issue, such as the

    flag salute in years past - and present day articles that expose their lack of ethics as regards child sexual abuse,

    persecuting whistleblowers, and becoming famous for false prophecy.

    Not all "bad"press is actually bad, as their history suggests. The trouble now is that much of their press is purely bad,

    with little upside. How many 'worldly' people will say "those poor Witnesses, being persecuted for molesting children!"?



  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I tend to agree with "justtickledPink"...mainstrean America is really not concerned with JWs, good or bad. What mainstream America does notice is that the JWs are a very "insular" group; like the Amish or the Hasidic Jews; they do not contribute anything to anyone outside their own sphere....and contribute ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to Society in general. Therefore they are not acknowledged....they are the butt of jokes ( door to door)

    The world goes on...

  • Scully

    The Watchtower had credibility???

  • Gill

    The Watchtower claimed to have credibility but it probably existed in their own delusions and other people not understanding properly what the JWs believed. Now there is more education and the net the light is shed a lot more clearly on the Organization and they look very shabby.

    The Organization lost all credibility with me when I watched the Panorama programme on coverups of child abuse. The Panorama team were trying to interview an elder from a congregation and he just walked away slowly and arrogantly from them and refused to speak to or acknowledge them at all once he had made his statement. I know this is what the Society tell them to do but the arrogance was sickening and told a story of its own.

    They are totally deluded as to their real position in society and for that matter the Universe.

  • happy man
    happy man

    The TV program about abuse have done bad impakt, no doubt about that, when I talk to elder freinds they say like this, ( I am well knowend as trubbelmaker in this topic) , we have the same point of wuie as you, but we must putt the lid on, beaquse if we dont do this we couse division among our brothers.

    I think evryone know HoW IT WORKS IF SOMEONE DO THINGS LIKE THIS , IF IT IS THE FIRST TIME THE HAV EONLY HIDDEN REPROF IF THEY SAQY THEY regrett what they done, most say this, and nowan in the cong know anything, we musĀ§t forgive as you know.

    love HM

  • PinTail

    If we both were to share a pitcher of beer together and play some pool, I would humbly lean over to you and confess: Yes In Deed".

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