The collapse of the Watchtower. Write your gloomy-doomy scenario here.

by Pole 21 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Pole

    Hey, prophets of doom, if you were to write an abstract of a screenplay for a movie about the collapse of the Watchtower what would be the final nail in the coffin? Make it as serious or as preposterous as you like.

    Here's two scenarios to begin with. English is not my first language, so naturally yours may be much more entertaining.

    A criminal-conspirational scenario:

    Year 2005.

    There is a bunch people in the Legal/Accounting Department who have seen how the organization deals with certain issues and who are monitoring 'apostate' sources such as this board. They have grown cynical over the years. Because they control money coming in and out to dozens of countries all over the world, some of those in-charge of financial matters discover possibilities of defrauding a few percent here and there and succumb to the temptation... They use creative accounting to tart up the figures but in a few years' time it turns out the WTS is flat broke. It may be happening as you are reading these very words!!

    A not so criminal scenario:

    Year 2008.

    The old-time GB members have little if any control over the financial workings of the WTS and as they grow older, their influence is gradually diminishing. Recently they also delegated their legal responsibilities to "the other sheep". The corporation has hundreds of millions of dollars of annual income and billions in shares and real estate. The FDS finally disappears and there's no legitimate heir to the theological throne. There's new light which exaplains it away to the r&f, but there's also billions of bucks up for grabs behind the doctrinal scenes... The other sheep reshuffle the financial priorities of the org because they think nobody is going to tell them: "Hold on this is not what Jehovah told me yesterday in a dream." The effect is millions of rank and file are stumbled and start questioning the new light about the new WTS leaders. Finally there's a split up with a few branch offices starting their own national churches and discrediting each other.

    Yeah, right. Now what's your vision?


  • lisaBObeesa
    write an abstract of a screenplay for a movie about the collapse of the Watchtower

    Picture this, 2034:

    Int. Governing Body Room ? Governing Body's voice booms out of Giant Throne as the CAMERA
    PULLS back to reveal the Scarecrow, Dorothy, Lion and Tin Man standing in
    front of it --

    Can I believe my eyes? Why....

    MLS -- The Four trembling with fear -- CAMERA PULLS back as Dorothy comes
    forward with the bag full of weekly time slips and places it on the steps to throne

    ...have you come back?

    Please, sir. We've done what you told us.
    We've Preached to every single person we could find and we placed every single piece of literature?we have not gone to college and we have work menial jobs to have more time to do you bidding. We have shunned our relatives, broken up our families and a few of us have even died. We did just as you said.

    Oh actually managed to do all that, eh? Very....

    MS -- Dorothy smiling, with the Tin Man, Lion and the Scarecrow in back of
    her also looking pleased


    Yes, sirs. So we'd like you to keep your
    promise to us, if you please, Oh Great Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    Not so fast! fast! I'll have to give the matter a little thought. Go away and come back tomorrow!

    Tomorrow? Oh, but I want to go to the New System now.

    You've had plenty of time already!


    Do not arouse the wrath....
    ...of the Great and Powerful Faithful and Discreet Slave! I said --
    come back tomorrow!

    PULLS back to right to enter the curtain where Toto ran. -- it
    shakes as Toto starts to pull it back --

    If you were really great and powerful,
    you'd keep your promises!

    Do you presume to criticize the....

    MLS -- Toto pulls back the curtain to reveal the Wizard at the controls of
    the throne apparatus -- his back to the camera

    ...Great The Faithful and Discreet Slave? You ungrateful creatures! Think yourselves lucky that I' you audience tomorrow, instead of..

    MS -- The Wizard at the controls -- his back to camera -- he speaks into
    the microphone -- he turns, and sees that the curtain
    is gone -- reacts and turns back to the controls --

    ...twenty years from now. Oh -- oh oh!
    The Great Oz has spoken! Oh -- Oh ---....

    LS -- Shooting past the Four at left to the Wizard as he pulls back the
    curtain --

    Who are you?

    MCU - The Wizard peering out from curtain - he ducks back out of sight and
    his voice booms out again -

    Oh - I - Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
    Go - before I lose my temper! The Faithful and Discreet..

    MCS -- Dorothy pulls back the curtain to reveal the Wizard at the controls


    ... ? The Faithful and Discreet Slave -- has spoken!

    Who are you?

    Well, I -- I -- I am The Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    You are?

    Uhhhh -- yes...

    I don't believe you!

    No, I'm afraid it's true. There's no other
    The Faithful and Discreet Slave except me.

    MCS -- Dorothy and her three friends react -- Camera shooting past the
    Wizard at left -- the Scarecrow and Lion speak angrily --

    You humbug!


    CS -- Wizard -- shooting past Dorothy, the Lion and Scarecrow -- the
    Wizard speaks --

    Yes-s-s -- that...that's exactly so. I'm
    a humbug!

    Oh're a very bad man!

    >>>>Then, Dorothy and her friends tell everyone in the whole world the truth about the little man behind the curtain ?and they appear on all the talk shows and the Faithful and Discreet Slave is brought up on charges of tax evasion! And THAT is the end of the Watchtower!<<<<<<<<<

  • hillbilly


    I was thinking more like a Godfather style story line......... a young 4th gen JW on the Brooklyn Legal staff. Flashback to first the Russel era, then the Rutherford and Knorr era's showing how his grandfather's, uncles, and father became "made" men.

    Of course the Youngster's plot element involves him "blowing the whistle" first on the others in Legal who are stealing the donations and real-estate empire.....The whole corrupt, twisted mess unfolds in flashbacks and dialouge with contemperary charecters in the plot.

    So my version is a bit thin...... were is F Ford Cappola or John Grisham when you really need him?

    Yes.....the WT has enough twists and turns to make a good movie plot..... any good script writers out there?


  • BluesBrother

    Not clever with words or dialogue, so...

    1] After falling foul of the new laws that outlaw anti religious-group publications they are effectively stopped from denouncing the clergy of Christendom so the message is watered down to being not so different from the rest. The legal costs cripple the borg and they are forced to pay damages to the Church of England [turn in your grave JFR]

    2] the reintroduced literature "Contributions" are three times as high as before and the flock just will not pay for stuff they cannot "Place"

    3} A disastrous move to put the study article on-line for the flock to print it themselves, has resulted in cross reference Google searches and the r & f can quickly check up on the truth of what they say [607 bce had to hastily revised]

    4 Numbers deserted, Halls were sold, the average age of the remainder skyrocketed and the whole thing imploded up its own slip stream

  • metatron

    The organization continues to quietly deteriorate in Western lands while gaining numbers in poor third world countries.

    The Society continues to try to tighten the belt and engage in real estate manipulations ( DUMBO) to try to cope with

    the fact that most of their money comes from the countries that are in decline. The critical moment of change

    comes when many Witnesses start to criticize the Society openly. Once that happens, it's all over, just like the

    Wizard of Oz.


  • iiz2cool

    The Watchtower will finally be exposed for what it is - an elaborate money laundering business whose clients include drug cartels, white slavers, and arms dealers.

  • metatron

    Seriously, I'd keep an eye on the Watchtower for evidence of one thing: cynicism.

    Just like the Soviet Union, the Watchtower is having trouble getting money.

    Just like the Soviet Union, Witnesses are catching the "Soviet Disease" , as they used to say "we pretend to work

    and they pretend to pay us", the organization's productivity is abysmal.

    and just like that past totalitarian power, I predict you'll be able to discern that Watchtower leaders are losing

    faith in their own doctrines. Watch for evidence that THEY KNOW what they teach is bogus.


  • Pole



    a young 4th gen JW on the Brooklyn Legal staff. Flashback to first the Russel era, then the Rutherford and Knorr era's showing how his grandfather's, uncles, and father became "made" men.

    The WT Forefathers! Lol.


    These two are really good:

    they are forced to pay damages to the Church of England
    A disastrous move to put the study article on-line for the flock to print it themselves, has resulted in cross reference Google searches and the r & f can quickly check up on the truth of what they say [607 bce had to hastily revised]


    The critical moment of change comes when many Witnesses start to criticize the Society openly.

    A moment of truth indeed. Just picture all those individual witnesses and entire branch offices sending letters to the Brooklyn HQ in which they actually demand that some things be changed and not just ask meekly what they should think.


    an elaborate money laundering business whose clients include drug cartels, white slavers, and arms dealers

    I guess a few scenes could be shot in the Columbian branch office :).


  • Pole


    Watch for evidence that THEY KNOW what they teach is bogus.

    Do you mean evidence in their publications?

  • metatron

    Primarily, yes. I think there is substantial evidence that they are printing things they know are fake or false.

    A recent example: The Kingdom Ministry telling parents of young men to groom them to become future elders,

    to help congregations. Since this will take years, it shows they don't take their own predictions of ArmageddonSoon!

    seriously - it's bogus.


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