I feel like a punk

by lonelysheep 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    I recently stopped studying and haven't told the "teacher" woman the whole truth--that I don't believe the 'truth' is the truth. I have my reasons why, and have been pondering on it for months now. What's the best way to say this; or better yet, is there a good way to get my point across without being preached to as to why I should go on and get baptized like I had planned. The last thing I want to hear is that I need my thinking 'readjusted' and bible-trained.

    I'm glad I snapped out of it before getting baptized, yet wonder what stupid label I'll be given. Worldy, maybe! The only family members that are jw's are my stepmom (who I'm close to) and my stepbrother. Does this mean they have to shun me? Does baptism make that difference?

    A little about me:

    I started studying in fall of 2000 while I lived at home with my parents (before I was married) and my daughter who was 4 months. When she was born, she was sick with a blood infection and for a week, was touch and go. Stepmom told us not to let them give her blood if she needed it. My husband then said to me, 'there's no way I'm not going to let the doctors do anything they need to save her'. My response to her was, "ok". I was at the point where I'd listen to anything anyone told me and do so as well. Thankfully, by a miracle, she lived and is now healthy. As you can imagine, the situation was very stressful and took an emotional toll that was almost unbearable for quite some time after. Well, one day at home, after listening in for the 3rd time to one of my stepmom's studies, I took interest...something about Jesus hooked me. While lurking on here a few months back, I was comforted (and a little disturbed) to know that I am not the only one to get involved with them while at the most vulnerable points in life.

    I didn't always attend meetings on a regular basis, but always studied. Looking back on it, I guess part of me wanted everything I learned to be proved as truth, and I waited patiently while defending them and myself to no end. I liked that they always had an answer for everything in life, the bible and god himself. It was what I needed at the time. This past year, I began asking myself questions such as, "Where in the bible does it say we have to come to meetings this often each week and bring my small children and train them to sit still and be quiet for 2 hours!!!" This is what I pondered each meeting, since it was spent in the bathroom anyway! Then, the disfellowshipping rule, which I don't agree with. Many others of course. In short, my main reason for fading and at this point staying away from all religion is the fact that it enforces being judgemental yet as usual, is hippocritical and says only god can judge. I can't be a part of that and feel good about myself.

    Thanks in advance, everyone.

  • Brummie

    lonelysheep, that was great! Its always encouraging to read stories like you'rs so thx. I'm sure many more questions will arise and confirm just how pleased you should be that you have seen through that pile of error.


  • NewLight2

    Welcome to the board LonelySheep!

    You might want to check out these web pages:

    Jehovah's Witnesses: A Critical Analysis

    These two contain many links to important information regarding the Watchtower Society.

    NewLight2's Links Page

    Johannes Greber's Home Page

    Here is one that deals with Mind Control and Cults
    Mind Control - The BITE Model


  • JamesThomas

    Welcome Lonelysheep,

    Your uneasiness around religion may be an innate wisdom.

    Be gentle, kind, and present in this moment, and see what happens.


  • JustTickledPink

    You don't always have to give reasons, or justify your decisions. Religion should be a personal choice. You don't need to defend your personal choices. That is between you and God.

    I would politely say that you're not interested anymore, the subject isn't up to discussion (so they don't attack you) and just politely say that you have a personal relationship with God, you pray, and it's all been settled.

  • Mulan
    You don't always have to give reasons, or justify your decisions. Religion should be a personal choice. You don't need to defend your personal choices. That is between you and God.

    Exactly. You don't have to try to explain yourself. If they keep at you, tell them you meant what you said, and "please don't try to say anything more. I don't want to be rude to you".

  • Country_Woman

    good for you.

    If you will be shunned, I don't know.

    Normally when you are not babtised, they don't shun - but there is a possibility that they are saying: "she knows about the truth and has turned her back to it" I think that is a personal decision some dubs will take.

  • cab1000

    I pretty much stopped going to the meetings cause of the same concern about making kids sit quiet for two hours. After our third child, I gave up. I talked to other people who go to different chuches, and they all have daycares built in. We too spent most of the meetings in the bathroom, with the dubs giveing advise like, "yeah, its tough, but so worth it." I was thinking, no its not. Only then did my other doubts surface, and I found lots of info to help me make this decision.

    I would just fade away from them....best you can...

  • BluesBrother

    There is no need to feel bad .. The majority of Bible Studies never make it to baptism . To coin a phrase "Just say No" They may try and pursue you a bit as a potential "sheep" but they can only influence you as far as you let them .

    YES.. Baptism is that important. A baptised witness who later denies the truth may be d/f'd for apostacy , but a non baptised bible student is viewed totally differently . There is no reason to shun you..you are still there to be "Brought in" as they see it...Good luck

  • Golf

    Welcome, the following is pun intended, take your situation one 'step' at a time. Seeing that your an adult and you have two children, it simply boils down to, its your choice and decision. Whenever we have differences of opinions (with JW's) we will always experience a 'negative' feedback. Your in a better position to know your circumstances. Here's hoping the best for you. Guest77

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