Diets, exercise and misery

by Mulan 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Well, it's getting near to the time that I determined to begin a weight loss program again. (after the holidays)

    I am really sick of diets, and hate the idea of it all, but I have to do something. Last May, after doing the South Beach Diet for 5 months, and only losing 14 pounds, I was so sick of trying to lose weight, that I just chucked the whole thing, and started to just try and be a normal person. Well that doesn't work for me and I have gained about 25-30 pounds since then. This is not a good thing since I was already about 25 pounds overweight.

    So, I am really feeling sorry for myself today. After the holidays, I plan to get back on my treadmill downstairs, 4-5 times a week, and I am looking for a diet that really works. I kid you not, nothing seems to work for me anymore. I will lose at first and then it just stops coming off.

    Two years ago I went back to Weight Watchers and lost 8 pounds in six months. Even they were mystified and told me I should see my doctor. So, I went to the doctor and there is nothing wrong with me, other than dieting for a lifetime. My body just wants to hold onto my weight. I being silly? Should I just accept my overweight body? (I am trying to do that, really) I am 59 years old and really accept that part, so why do I care about being thinner? I ask myself those questions all the time.

    I do think I should lose the 25 pounds though. I am not physically comfortable at this weight, and I was before that list bit piled on so fast. It's getting hard to put on my socks.

    Any weight loss suggestions? Don't suggest Atkins or South Beach...........those aren't good for me, for some reason. I don't feel good on them, and want to sleep all the time.

  • Stefanie

    May I suggest Dr Phils seven key program.

    I have started reading his Ultimate weight Solution book, and its awesome!

  • Special K
    Special K

    How about the "G I Diet".. It's not so darned demanding as Atkins or South Beach.


  • Special K
    Special K

    I just heard that someone in my neighbourhood had a stomach staple done.. but sounds really drastic to me, unless her health was so compromised that it became necessary.


  • whyamihere

    Dear Mulan,

    I do know what you are going through believe me. I know I am only 24 but I do know what you are going through because I had 2 kids and I am trying to loose a little weight myself.

    1st are you taking a Multi Vit? if not you need to everyday that helps!

    2nd Drink Water! I know I know people say that all the time. It works too! If you drink coke or any soda stop or cut back!!!! Replace all sugar drinks with Water! If you have coffee in the morning you need more water because it takes water away from the body and you need to replace it.

    3 Try Green Tea drink alot of it if you like it! Green Tea Caffeine free and no sugar! Its not bad I promise. Just drink more of that it is healthy for you anyway.

    4 Carb cutting Fat cutting are Crap trust me! Balance is the key!

    5 Excersise is the #1 most important thing before diet! Walking on the treadmill is great but not enough your body gets so used to it and then doesn't burn alot of calories and fat. You need some work out the changes. I would tell you "Walk Away the Pounds" work out video...... it works I promise! It has everything you need.

  • Mulan
    Walking on the treadmill is great but not enough your body gets so used to it and then doesn't burn alot of calories and fat.

    I hate hearing this, because this is all I am going to do. I still think it's better than sitting on my butt. I belonged to a gym for a year, and saw very little results. Almost nothing, from doing weights, yoga, and other machines. I certainly didn't lose any weight doing it..................and yes, I know muscle weighs more than fat. The personal trainer I used at the gym told me that the treadmill was a great tool for me and to definitely use it, if nothing else.

    I do take supplements, including vitamins, and I drink lots of water. Nutrition is my business, but I am not the poster child for it this year.

    Thank you all for the suggestions................keep them coming.

  • whyamihere

    Here is the site if you like! Her videos are great and easy and it works if you stick to it!

    Brooke WI

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    Diet can be a compicated issue. Food is such a pleasure in life that trying to deny oneself at times just seems pointless.

    But from experience; I can tell you that regular, consistant excersise can be invaluble to physical well being.

    If you are not already--get yourself on a daily routine of aerobics and cardiovascular excersising. You will be amazed at how you feel and look.

    It sure beats going door to door.....

  • MikeMusto

    burn more calories than you consume really that simple

    sorry--but any exercise guru will tell you that

    of course there are diff efficient ways to do it

    if you can watch t.v or read a book while running the treadmill--you arent working hard enough

    and wieght lifting is far superiour in burning calories than running..and no you wont get muscular and bulky..

    its not that easy

  • vitty

    I went to the gym 3 times last week, cut out my carbs lost 4llb in 2 weeks, then 2 days later I put it all back on. The thing is you cant just give up dieting cos I did last year and ive put 10llb on

    I hate people who never put it on, then rabbit on about how you shouldnt diet.

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