Water on Mars - Oops, Not

by Satanus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    Does that look like water to you? See especially the bottom right corner. See or save a bunch more martian pics @ http://qt.exploratorium.edu/mars/jpl-images/web/opportunity/pancam/2004-12-19/ These water pics start at about a quarter of the way down at number 1P155356213EFF38EVP2555L2M1.


  • RunningMan

    Well, all of the recent probes appear to have come up "dry", with regard to martian water. Although, the speculation regarding water in Mars' past or underground is very persistent.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wow, it looks like it could be some sort of liquid. Of course the distance and shading can play tricks (remember the "face"). But it definitely warrants some more investigation. Do you know how close this shot is to the Mars Rover?

    Wouldn't it be something if it really were water?

  • Satanus

    It is a few feet from the rover. It sure looks like water, but, ya it could be something else. Here is another one w some cool designs, winddriven, i suppose.

  • JH

    It looks like water, but then again it could be a martian that just had to go for a leak...

  • Satanus

    Some sort of circle. Maybe some martian left his bottle of coke there for a million yrs

  • Satanus

    Another one of that circle

  • SixofNine

    Unless you could see a reflection of something in it, you couldn't conclude with any certainty that the flat, dark areas in the top picture were water. But the strata around it sure looks like it was formed by water.

    how large is that area shown in the pic?

  • Satanus

    After looking at a bunch of other pics, it seems possible that what looks like water could be extremely fine dust that settled there at the low spots. Merde!


  • Satanus


    Judging from the straight down angle, not very big. Possibly only 6 feet by six feet, or something like that.

    Here is that circle thing again. What the heck would make that?

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