Kingdom Hall for sale on Ebay

by nicolaou 25 Replies latest social current

  • nicolaou

    Highlight this link by dragging your cursor across it then copy [not copy shortcut] and paste it into your browser - don't just click on it.

  • drwtsn32

    Simon needs to fix the fact that you can't post links with ampersands!

  • justhuman

    They need money!!!

  • Scully

    omg, I would be embarrassed to put a place like that on the market with that brown carpeting and those tacky blue theatre chairs. And I'd be even more embarrassed to expect to have someone pay full price for it.

  • Elsewhere
    The roof was replaced in 1995 with Timberline Laminate 30-year shingles.

    That's right guys! The END is near!!! Any day now!

  • mkr32208

    An interesting way to anti-witness on Ebay!


    Yeah its a great way to anti-witness! It lets all the witnesses look at that and say "well that just proves the WBTS is correct and all apostates are F*CKING INSANE! Guess I won't listen to them" Thanks so much for helping us serious apostates get our family out! Big thumbs up!! As to the no windows the mandate to the building commitee's has been no windows for years now! I'll bet they really are needing a bigger hall too! They aren't getting much growth but all the witnesses are getting older so there is LOTS of growth in the warmer areas! In florida they just started a new circuit but I'll bet the average age is 45 statewide! Take kids under 18 out of the equasion and I'll bet it jumps to 65 or more! Last time I went back to upstate NY the old hall (I think our peak was in mid 80's at 112 pubs) now has about 40 total, most are old, all are broke weak economy combined with no savings and no education... Everyone was threadbare, the entire back of the hall was empty... No one was paying attention, one of the elders got up and literaly read an entire article out of better homes and gardens for a service meeting part... (they happened to mention the witnesses in it) it was actually kind of heartbreaking... these people are just so lost...

  • ko38

    Such a shame o great city.

  • blondie

    168 seats and they outgrew it?!

    Since they like to limit congregations to 100 publishers, I wonder how many active publishers they have to "have" to sell this KH. Usually it means that remodeling is no longer feasible or acceptable and they want a shiny new KH with all the bells and whistles. Seen it happen time and again in this area.


  • SwordOfJah

    I live in the area and know this Kingdom Hall very well. It was serving 5 local spanish congregations, so the use mas maxed out. New land has been obtained to build a double auditorium kingdom Hall with 250 capacity on each side. The price for this Kingdom Hall is very attractable for the area.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Let the chant begin.....

    BURN IT !

    BURN IT !

    BURN IT !

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