DID ANY ELDER DO anything questionable?

by badboy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    I have read Ozziepost's post on those tasmanian elders who raided a SDA church.

    Does anyone know of similiar behaviour by elders?

  • Mastodon

    How about the elder, who's daughter had been privately reprimanded twice before, got a worldly boyfriend she met at work. So the dad and her brother gave him bible studies twice a week to rush him into baptism so they could get married on the KH. That caused a lot of division and unrest in the cong. That elder had so much power he actually made 2 other elders move to a diffrent cong., others resigned thier posts because of conscience and even the culprit (the elder) moved to another cong. to sow more discord. That marriage lasted the best of 2 years. They divorced, the guy vanished and the daughter of the elder is disfellowshipped for adultery. Guess who is still an elder in great force?

  • blondie

    Invade a church to find an errant JW? No, but...

    Stake out someone's home? Yes, many, many times.

    Trespass on their property to look in windows and/or take pictures, yes.

    Spending hours doing it too, when they said they were too busy to make a shepherding call or help out in any small way.

  • Mastodon

    Actually last year I had a problem with a ministerial servant who used to be my best friend. He kept pushing me to be more active in the kingdom hall, to go door to door more often and all that. meanwhile he kept tons of porn on his PC, got drunk every other day and lied constantly, we even went to a strip club with me and others and the lied about it. So I called him> out and things got very heated and I told him that one of the reasons that I was 'cold' in the faith was because of people like him and his father, that are supposed to be named elders and MS bt way of the Holy Spirit but never did they filled the requirements of said positions, and I asked him how did the spirit operated in the congregations that such positions were given to him and his father. He proceeded to name me apostate and tried to convince everyone of my friends that i was. Right now that guy plead guitly to three counts of fraud and embezzlement, kept lying to the elders on their faces and had to admit to adultery and he also has a new arrest warrant for other charges. He also admitted taking the money and giving it to his father so that he could open a new businness. Guess what? his father the elder and his elder friends gave him a private reprimand and left it at that. and everybody knows that the father is a filthy drunk. That's another example of how the spirit is NOT working in their congregations how they claim it is. Sad thing is that people how know me, including my mom, see him in the conventions and all that, and look at him in a much better light than they would ever see me.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I knew an elder and his wife who were taking kick backs in a rental housing complex; where they lived ; of which she was the manager. There was a very lengthy list of applicants to get an apartment. If you "payed Mrs. Robinson" the fee she requested; she would bump you to the front of the list.

    I heard this from many "wordly" friends after I had left the JWs. It was a source of humor to my family to hear of this.

    One day "Mr. and Mrs Robinson" just picked up and moved to another state. I suppose it was the District Attorney investigating...

  • redhotchilipepper

    I got brought before the elders once, for the stupidest thing, might I add. The elder was yelling at me. He was yelling and screaming that I could have brought reproach on Jehovah's name. I was disgusted. I told him in a calm way that I didn't think that Jehovah would appreciate him yelling at me. That calmed him down. He was the overzealot of the Kingdom Hall. I always disliked that brother after that. The other elders were even looking at him like, buddy simmer down here. I also had another elder tell me that there was no such thing as depression " to snap out of it". I thought that was questionable advice. Myself! What an idiot! You can't just snap out of clinical depression.

  • Mary

    Not really. This one elder only had an extra-marital affair, had a stack of dirty magazines in his locker at work, would question sisters to know end on subjects like their periods (I'm not joking), whether or not they enjoy sex, spys on people in the congregation and then probably whacks off, he's forced other elders and MS's to quit their full time (shiftwork) jobs because they were missing meetings, and where they had to support their families on far less (all for the greater glory).

  • candidlynuts

    an elder i knew drove a young relative of mine home after a kh build.. the relative told me that the elder drank beer all the way home while driving.. when i brought it to the attn of another elder i got an eye roll and told not to make mountains out of mole hills.that brother X probably drove better with a beer can in his hand "chuckle chuckle".

    ( the young relative was never allowed to ride with this elder again and that was the extent of the families power to do anything about it)

    alcoholism, drinking is a bigger problem within the org than i think anyone can comprehend.

  • JustTickledPink

    Alcoholism. I agree is a HUGE problem.

    I have several very "faithful" relatives that will never quit the JWs and they tend to live their lives in a pickled state. If they woke up from the hazy state they were in and actually sobered up, they might realize what is going on. But until then, they continue to make their own wine, drink whiskey straight, and live their lives a little numb, it all works out for them.

  • FairMind

    JustTickledPink has a good point about how coming off the booze could lead to a sober minded assessment of what the WTS is all about. I am very serious here as that was the turning point for me.

    Many if not most elders have done questionable things, after all they are only mere men. I tend to not be too overly critical of their flaws that are due to human frailty. I do take exception though with the MS (son of PO) who after having had a Service Meeting part went out robbed a liquor store at gunpoint.


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