I finally told them to back off

by redhotchilipepper 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    Blondie has some good advice but, RHCP, you mentioned that you feel like you are being stalked. Frankly when elders are looking to deal with someone that is often the case. Canada has some of the best anti-stalking laws in the world. If you already feel like you are being stalked then you ought to call the Police to discuss this. Let the Police go contact the elders and tell them to leave you alone. I see no reason why you have to continue deaing with people who, by their actions towards your son, are harrasing you.

    Here is a little Canadian based info:

    Much of the behaviour that constitutes "Criminal Harassment" is not overtly threatening. It is the Obsessive, Persistent and Repetitive nature of the conduct that is Oppressive.

    Section #264 of the Criminal Code of Canada

    Criminal Harrasment

    264. (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them.

    Prohibited Conduct

    2) The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of

    (a) repeatedly following from place to place the other person or anyone known to them;

    (b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them;

    (c) besetting or watching the dwelling-house, or place where the other person, or anyone known to them, resides, works, carries on business or happens to be; or

    (d) engaging in threatening conduct directed at the other person or any member of their family.


    (3) Every person who contravenes this section is guilty of

    (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years; or

    (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

    Factors to be Considered

    4) Where a person is convicted of an offence under this section, the court imposing the sentence on the person shall consider as an aggravating factor that, at the time the offence was committed, the person contravened

    (a) the terms or conditions of an order made pursuant to section 161 or a recognizance entered into pursuant to section 810, 810.1 or 810.2; or

    (b) the terms or conditions of any other order or recognizance made or entered into under the common law or a provision of this or any other Act of Parliament or of a province that is similar in effect to an order or recognizance referred to in paragraph (a).


    5) Where the court is satisfied of the existence of an aggravating factor referred to in subsection (4), but decides not to give effect to it for sentencing purposes, the court shall give reasons for its decision.

    R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 264; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 37; 1993, c. 45, s. 2; 1997, c. 16, s. 4, c. 17, s. 9; 2002, c. 13, s. 10.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Maybe they'll get the point now. Good for you!


  • gypsywildone

    Good luck! My husband finally phyically kicked their vehicle down the side of a mountain to get the message through.

    So, did you answer your door?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    ohhh myyy godddd....

    It's late at night! Not even 10 minutes later the Elders wife shows up on my door step ringing my door bell. This is like something out of a Twilight Zone episode.

    that's scarifying!

    I honestly feel like moving this is too much to deal with.

    don't let those jerks run you out of your home.

    I feel like I am being stalked.

    that's 'cause you are

    Its awful. They won't leave me alone.

    from http://www.dannyhaszard.com/notrespassing.htm No Trespassing Sign Will Keep
    Witnesses Away from your Door

    Danny Sez: Make sure you have one, and your neighbors have one!

    At the beginning of October, the Watchtower Society has issued a warning in the form of a letter, to be read at all Congregation bookstudies in the U.S.:

    This is the text of the letter:

    Upon receipt of this letter, book study overseers should review the following points with those in their groups: * Individual homeowners have a right to exclude people from their property by posting a "No Trespassing" sign.

    * If publishers call on a home or enter the grounds around a home where a "No Trespassing" sign is located, they may be subject to criminal prosecution and resulting monetary sanctions and/or incarceration. They also face being sued by the householder. * Such homes may be worked by means of the telephone or letter writing. See May 2003 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box: "Communicating Through Letters," Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, Pages 71-3; May 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box; "Successful Kingdom Proclaimers Use the Telephone," April 15, 1998 Watchtower, Box on page 27; "Telephone Witnessing - A Way to Reach Many," August 1993 Our Kingdom Ministry pages 3-4;and November 1996 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.

    * "No Trespassing" signs are different from "No Soliciting," "No Peddling," and "No Canvassing" Signs. However, if a householder at any time informs a publisher that this sign applies to our ministry (no matter what the wording of that sign may be), the publisher should reassure the householder that future calls at his home will cease. This can be done by simply stating: "The application of the sign was not clear to us from its wording. Steps will now be taken to make certain that no further calls are made at your home by Jehovah's Witnesses. "

    Thereafter, a dated note should be placed in the territory envelope listing the name and address of such individuals. We trust this will answer questions publishers have regarding "No Trespassing" Signs. It is a pleasure to work shoulder to shoulder with you in accomplishing the work our Master has entrusted to us. - Zeph. 3:9; Matt 28:19,20

    Your Brothers, Christian Congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses

    Go out to your local hardware or drugstore and get a sign and post it conspicuously. You should no longer be bothered by ANY Jehovah's Witnesses. If they come anyway, threaten to sue them next time!

  • redhotchilipepper

    Thanks guys and gals! The Elder and his wife actually do live about only 3-5 minutes from my house! I left a message on their answering machine stating that if they contact my son again I will contact the police. My ex talked to the Elder and he conveniently stated that he never received that message. Smells fishy to me! When the Elders wife came to my door! I went to the door, looked through the peep hole and did not answer it. It was really creepy, she was waving at me through the peep hole. She knew I was there. I ran back up the stairs and called my Ex. I told him to deal with this that my nerves were fried. I am dealing with my rental property right now and have bigger and better things on my plate, thank you, then D@mn JW's. I'm thinking that. Another time, a sister comes to my door. I don't answer, so she decides to just let herself in. Can you believe that. She was a real little persistant thing. I would be around back in my garden. She and the other sister wouldn't get me at the door so they would come around back and talk to me in the garden. Man, it's suprising that I haven't become an alchoholic because these people are enough to drive anybody to drink. No wonder they all drink so much. They all irritate each other, probably. Sorry I'm on a rampage again. Talk to you all later. Hugs RHCP/LMAO/ You are one funny bunch!!!!!

  • Swan

    You called them and left a message not to call and 10 minutes later the elder's wife shows up at your door and waves at you through the peephole?

    That's beyond rude. It's harassment. It's a cult power thing. The next time they do it it will be a crime, if you go see the police today!

    Their petty power trip will end quickly when a sheriff knocks on their door and tells them the next time they approach your door they will be arrested for trespassing. Keep your camera handy by the door for a while for evidence of their return; but you probably won't have to use it.


  • iiz2cool

    Yeah, what Mary said! What part of "do not call" are they too stupid to understand?

    I would send the police to the PO's house today.


  • blondie
    I don't answer, so she decides to just let herself in. Can you believe that.

    I'm confused, Red. Do some JWs have a key to your house? If so, get your locks changed right away.

    If the elder denied getting the phone call, then it is time to get legalistic...send a registered letter that has to be signed for. I don't know if Canada offers the same thing.

    I would quit getting my ex involved too and do my own talking rather than use him as a go-between.

    Remember you don't have to answer the door, or the phone, or their questions. They are being rude, so don't play the game.

    Love, Blondie

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    When the Elders wife came to my door! I went to the door, looked through the peep hole and did not answer it. It was really creepy, she was waving at me through the peep hole. She knew I was there.

    That IS creepy! Oh my gawd.... I've never been a JW, and you "guys" stories never cease to totally amaze me. When I started thinking about it, I started laughing ... it seems that when they feel they are losing power over someone, they become desperate and do really stupid things. Stay strong, laugh at their pathetic attempts and keep us informed....somehow I don't think this "drama" has been played out on their part.

    Double Edge

  • Swan
    send a registered letter that has to be signed for

    That's good too, but a police officer with a uniform, a badge, and a gun telling them not to call again is more fun! It plays on their phobias of the secular authorities.


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