The elders wanted to study with my son.....

by Dawn 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn
    Dawn I just found out. Apparently, the last time my son went to the KH with his grandma (which was quite some time ago), a couple different brothers asked him to study and he turned them down. Not suprising - but what DID suprise me is that my mom said the brothers then went to her to talk with her about it. Now - what exactly did they think Grandma could do?! She told them to leave it alone and don't push him (that suprised me also!).

    But I'm a little puzzled - how exactly did they think getting Grandma involved would help? At the time this happened he was still under 18 yrs old, and they never did ask ME for permission. They would not have been allowed in my home and I would have had no problem telling them so. It never ceases to amaze me how much power they THINK they have. Talk about living in their "own little world".

  • Elsewhere
    At the time this happened he was still under 18 yrs old, and they never did ask ME for permission.

    They don't care about the opinion of bird food.

  • garybuss

    Asking a parent's permission for a minor's education is a concept the elders will not have a grasp on. That would require an IQ above 70 and at least a third grade education. If I heard my relative took one of my kids to a Kingdom Hall, I would be sure that relative NEVER saw that kid again. I gave my relatives access to my sons and two of those sons became Witnesses and shunned me.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    those slimy so-and-so's...

  • unbeliever

    An elder once wanted to study with my nephew if it was okay with his mother who is DF'd. The funny thing was he said she would not have a problem with it. How would he know that?? Elders are just weird. My nephew said he was not interested in a religion that breaks up families and I know for a fact his mom would have a problem with it.

  • eyeslice

    I am waiting for the elders to come round and ask me to have a study!

    Not sure how they re-activate someone who was in for 50 years, served in every position and knows the Bible and WTB&TS theology inside out. Could be interesting.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    Not sure how they re-activate someone who was in for 50 years, served in every position and knows the Bible and WTB&TS theology inside out.

    they wouldn't. you know way too much...they want minds they can mold...

  • simplesally

    I think that it's ludricous they would try to by-pass you to get your own son to study. Even though wives with unbelieving mates are instructed that if the husband says no bible study for the children, they are to obey!! They are to be submissive to the direct command/instruction from the husband. I have known many wives who were forbidden to study with the children but were instead to teach them about God in an indirect talking about their own faith, or their own reliance on Jehovah and by going alone to the meetings and out in service....... so if the wife is INSTRUCTED to do this......why would ELDERS feel its ok to go around the mother......... probably cuz she is a woman.

  • Carmel

    A religion without ethics is like a fish without fins. It is left to drift where ever the tide and currents take it. No definate standards of conduct, and all decisions are purely utilitarian and without principal. Sounds like a religion that would call an international organization a harlot then get into bed with it.


  • Sassy

    I am not surprised they would try every trick in the book to get a goal accomplished.. even if it was the wrong thing to do

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