Love in my heart finally achieved!!!(kinda long)I

by Neophulis 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quotes

    Welcome Neophulis!!!

    You sound like a bright intelligent person. It was just a matter of time before Watchtowerism would lose you.

    "Welcome... to the real world"

    ~Quotes, of the "Neo" class

  • Neophulis

    I appreciate all the responses and compliments. I'm not going to sit here and say that I am or am not intelligent but I do know that I see things in a different light than most of my friends. Although I was naive as young man, my many different experiences over the last 5 years have helped me think in a more logical perspective. One of the things that helped me was a critical thinking class and a Logical Thinking course in my senior year of high school in 2000. It allowed me to really think of everything from every angle rather than pursue a biased opinion with foot-in-mouth disease and end up looking like a fool.

    I think my early inability to think unbiased originated from my father's upbringing because he is extremely close minded. My mom is semi-close-minded(2 hyphens?) and is somewhat of a bigot while I have learned to look at everyone the same until I am shown something that warns me to not interact with someone anymore(i.e. drugdealer, compulsive behavior, etc). Many friends later after studying with the JWs, I can honestly say I am a completely different person and my outlook in life is much different. Marijuana can change such a perception(as well as LSD but I was always too scared for that). The people I spent time with were definitely open-minded about many things and fearless in several aspects. They took me at a very shy, naive state of mind and within time became a more outgoing person and actually gained some valuable sex appeal to go with it... !

    To be more serious, I wish I could encourage a more open-minded way of thinking with certain "friends" that I had who were dedicated JWs. I know they shy away from reading any material that may be a product of "Satan himself" but there is some literature that I will never forget which helped me see the world for what it is. I constantly encourage the books "1984" and "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" to some of my JW friends but I have been successful with only one of them and he slowly developed personal doubts of the JW religion but he tries his hardest to serve the WT and fight what he perceives to be "messages from Satan" that may one day corrupt him.

    It seems like a never-ending battle, but one I choose to fight for as long as I'm still alive.

    Thanks again for all of the responses!

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