Paradise, and the Garden of Eden

by Brownboy 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brownboy

    Good Morning,

    Questions for Readers:

    How many reside as kings and priests, along with Christ, in the heavenly Kingdom of God?

    I believe this to be true, but as a human, I can make mistakes, so please bear with me. (even spelling mistakes)

    Revelation 12:1-17

    1 And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars,

    Is it possible that only the twelve apostles reside in heaven with Christ?

    Revelation 14:1-20

    1 And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.

    Is it possible that 144000 associates of Christ will reside upon the earth?

    Another question for readers:

    Who were the first Americans?

    Only Jehovah, and a select few would know this, so we will have to wait for the Kingdom of Jehovah, and His Heavenly Organization to answer this for us. But not too long, because heaven can't wait much longer.

    I believe this to be true:

    There were possibly two tribes located in India, which may, or may not have been, the location of the Garden of Eden.

    Reason upon the following:

    Is it possible that the name America was derived from the following two words?

    Hamas (Arabic acronym meaning zeal for God)

    Incas (Spanish, from Quechua inca , ruler, man of royal lineage)

    1. A·mer·i·cas (-k z). The landmasses and islands of North America, Central America, and South America.

    Everyone know that the Indians were the first ones in America, but how far back does the lineage go?

    There is no way to verify this from scripture, so we will have to wait upon Jehovah to answer these questions. Not too long. Remember that Jehovah is a perfect God, and He wants everything to be perfect for the human family. He also wants us to do our utmost to imitate our Father in heavens, and also His son, Christ Jesus. As any Father of sons and daughters, Jehovah will be patient with all of His children, because He is a loving, kind, and merciful God. He wants everyone to attain to human perfection.

    Have a great day, and be happy. And please remember to thank Jehovah, and also to thank Jesus.

    Believe me when I say, because these words are faithful and true, and can be verified by scripture:

    Man resides upon the earth out of the undeserved kindness, and love from Jehovah, and His son Christ Jesus. Remember also, the work of the apostles, and all the faithful men and women of old, and of today. Teach everyone to love one another, just as Christ taught everyone upon the earth. Always show the proper respect to authorities. Because Jehovah loves law and order, and no man is in authority except by God. He will humble those that think otherwise.

    Jehovah God, is the Almighty, and will always be the Supreme being, and Sovereign of the Universe. He will lovingly humble anyone that believes otherwise..................believe me..........I know.

    Have a great, and wonderful day. Remember to always give thanks for everything, because everything is provided to us by God.

    A Ray of Light from,

    All Faithful, and True Witnesses of Jehovah, and of His son Christ Jesus, our reigning King and Savior, of all human kind.


  • Leolaia
    Is it possible that the name America was derived from the following two words? Hamas (Arabic acronym meaning zeal for God) Incas (Spanish, from Quechua inca, ruler, man of royal lineage)

    No. What a silly claim.

    Maybe "Brownboy" is really derived from Panjabi biraw "person" + nboi from the acronym NBOI "New Bank of India", so that Brownboy is really an Indian banker....from your own (posited) Garden of Eden...who is getting filthy rich on the backs of the poor.

  • Celia

    America was named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci....

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Vespucci was the one person for whom North and South America was named after.

  • Leolaia

    Can you imagine being called Vespucchians instead of Americans? LOL

  • Leolaia

    BTW....have some nice tasty pizza....yummmmm!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Thankyou Celia for your answer, I concur...what a dumbass this person is..

  • shamus

    I sincerely hope it didn't take you this long to figure that one out, LOLOL! Mmmm... the pizza's delish.

  • Evesapple

    are you trying to count time?

  • Gill

    Not today thank you.

    (Followed by sound of door closing politely)

  • anuva

    hello dear BROTHER.....BROWN...

    i really need YOU ....

    please help me

    oh come one save me

    i am your willing reader, do not waste your time.

    lets TALK

    I have said enough and I wipe my hands clean

    . That time has come. Anyone that has any interest can send me a message

    I am sure dear BB … Many people have been scattered about like lost sheep. It is in your heart to help such ones like me. I am sure you will help those that are searching spirituality ,like me are the ones that need your help.

    I know you will do it because …because

    Christ would do the same

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