Jackson's and Boy's Prints Found on Porn Mags

by Elsewhere 46 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Elsewhere


    Report: Jackson Prints Found on Porn MagsDec 11, 10:01 PM (ET)

    SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) - Fingerprints belonging to both Michael Jackson and the boy accusing him of child molestation were found on pornographic magazines seized from Jackson's Neverland ranch last year, the Santa Barbara News-Press reported Saturday, citing sources it did not identify.

    Santa Barbara County Sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Chris Pappas did not immediately return a call Saturday from The Associated Press. Jackson's attorney, Thomas Mesereau Jr., declined to comment.

    The prosecution and defense are prohibited by a court-imposed gag order from discussing the case.

    If the reported evidence is admitted during Jackson's trial, prosecutors would be expected to argue that the fingerprints were proof that Jackson showed the boy pornographic literature before molesting him. But the defense could question whether the entertainer knew the boy had been leafing through the magazines.

    According to the newspaper, the boy and his brother often visited Neverland when Jackson wasn't home.

    The newspaper did not describe the magazines' contents except to say they contained pornography.

    Superior Court Judge Rodney Melville is expected to decide next month what evidence can be admitted at trial, scheduled to begin Jan. 31.

    Jackson, 46, has pleaded not guilty to charges of child molestation, conspiracy and administering an intoxicating agent, alcohol, to his alleged victim.

    Investigators most recently searched Jackson's Neverland home on Dec. 3 and 4, and on Dec. 4 the entertainer voluntarily gave them a DNA sample at their request. Investigators first searched the home on Nov. 18, 2003, shortly before Jackson was charged.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    The guy is a sleaze. If he's not guilty then there is no such thing as pedophilia.

  • Elsewhere

    What I want to know is what kind of porn it was... gay, straight or "man-boy"?

  • StinkyPantz
    What I want to know is what kind of porn it was... gay, straight or "man-boy"?

    I'm curious why that matters..

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The news report I heard said it was a magazine called "Barely Legal" a porn mag with nubile teen girls. According to the boy, Jackson used the mag to get him introduced into the subject.

  • Quotes

    Why it matters?

    Well, if it was straight, I want to know what he is reading. I find it useful to find out what the rich of the world are buying, so I don't waste time on lesser quality stuff!!!! ;)

    ~Quotes, of the "Prefers Hustler over Swank" class

  • Quotes

    Oh, at the risk of playing (almost literally) Devils Advocate:

    Let's remember this hasn't been proven in court. The first post is a new article which quotes another newspaper as the story source.

    A newspaper reporting that another newspaper sais something is generally poor quality journalism.

    ~Quotes, of the "If it is true, I hope he becomes Bubba's BI-ATCH" class

  • eyeslice

    Whilst I believe in zero tolerance to child molestation and any form of abuse either physical, mental or sexual, I think we need to be very careful here.

    First, a person is innocent until proved guilty. Also, we do not know this guy as an individual or what happened in his childhood to make him turn out this way.

    Many here have had problems with the judgemental mentality of the JWs; let's not fall into that trap ourselves. We may have neither the talent or money of Michael Jackson but also we have not had the same background; "there but for the grace of God go I"


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Many here have had problems with the judgemental mentality of the JWs; let's not fall into that trap ourselves. We may have neither the talent or money of Michael Jackson but also we have not had the same background; "there but for the grace of God go I"

    well said Eye - it is easy to fall into that mentality again. Good reminder.


  • simplesally
    First, a person is innocent until proved guilty

    Not true. Only the jury is to presume he is innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution certain believes in the evidence that has come to them and views him as guilty. Police officials believe suspects are guilty, THATS WHY THEY ARRREST THEM. The public, including the media, has the right to believe he is innocent or guilty.

    Sally, of the "her dad is an attorney and happened to have this discussion with him" class.

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