Deepest fractal zoom 2 to the 1000th power

by frankiespeakin 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    1000 Zooms

    This particular picture, generated in Fractal eXtreme, is not remarkable for its beauty, but it is quite an amazing picture in another way. This picture just might be one of the most magnified Mandelbrot sets, or indeed one of the most magnified objects of any type, in the world. This picture is zoomed in exactly one thousand times. In other words, the magnification was doubled a total of one thousand times, giving a total magnification of 1.07 times ten to the three hundred and first power. That's a one followed by three hundred and one zeroes.

    That's serious magnification.

    To put that magnification in perspective it helps to know that at a magnification of ten to the twenty first power, a typical computer monitor would be about the size of the milky way galaxy. At a magnification of ten to the fortieth power, an electron would be about the size of the visible universe. The magnification of this picture is ten to the three hundredth power.

    An average of twenty thousand iterations were done for each pixel in this picture. Each of these iterations involves a number of additions and subtractions, but most importantly, three multiplications. Each of these multiplications has to be done to more than three hundred digits of accuracy, which means that the poor program has to do hundreds of smaller multiplications and additions just to do one three hundred digit multiply. Small wonder that even with very efficiently coded math routines and two Pentium® Pro processors, it still took 36 hours of calculations to render this picture. One hundred forty thousand pixels, times twenty thousand iterations per pixel, times eleven hundred and forty multiplications per iteration comes out to 3.2 million million multiplications, each one of two ten digit numbers. Plus about ten million million additions and subtractions. That's a lot of math.

    Fractal eXtreme has actually been tested at much higher magnification levels than this picture -- all the way out to seven thousand two hundred zooms! However the test pictures we created at that magnification were exceptionally boring, so we're not posting them here.

    You probably won't ever zoom in this far with Fractal eXtreme. There's a lot of beautiful places to be found at far more modest zoom levels. But it's good to know that if you're hot on the trail of an elusive picture, you never have to worry about Fractal eXtreme running out of accuracy, because it's been torture tested at magnifications that make the entire universe seem small.

    Copyright © 1997 Cygnus Software. All rights reserved.
  • shamus

    I think that they should use that on Bush's brain... they may actually find something. (okay, I'm ducking outta here now...)

  • Quotes


    Oh, and, I think I can see my house in there!!!!

    ~Quotes, of the "magnifying WT teaching" class

  • Satanus

    I slipped off the track at the quadrilliumth power. Pretty cool. Imagine if the average guy could buy a cheap microscope that would let him look into a leaf or grain of sand, look at it way down past the electron levels, into the quark level.


  • BrendaCloutier

    The answer to the ultimate question of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin"? Infinity +1.

    I love Fractals. Kewl stuff. Thank you for sharing this, Frankie

    Hugs and Peace


  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    When we see beauty,,be it a mountain(which is very fractal BTW),, or a tree,,, or water flushing down your toliet bowl(??),,,when we see this beauty we loose ourselves tempararily be it for split second or 5 minutes. When we loose ourselves we feel peace,,we become one more or less with the object of beauty(??).

    I do not have to beleive in a god to see beauty,, I just need to be open to it,,if I compare it to other things,,, the beauty is lost and all I hold is a dim and fading memory of the past.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Frankie, I've learned enough about you to know how to get your goat.... tee hee.

    Fractals are emensely beautiful. That they appear to repeat to infinity is amazing. Mandalas and Persian rugs carry many of the basics of fractals - balance and the ability to bring you into them. I have a huitchol bowl - coconut with a beaded design on the inside. Peyote and corn and water. The inside bottom is a peyote button, but it is in shades of blue that take you right into the center and beyond.

    I once had a wiered experience. I was 17 and went on vacation with my parents on a driving-camping trip up through the Canadian Rockies and back through the US Rockies. I was sitting on a boulder overlooking a lake that was so still I could see my reflection as clearly as in a mirror. I had the feeling that if I jumped, or fell, off that rock I'd fall forever. It wasn't a scary feeling. It just was. I didn't jump because I knew the water was frigid cold!

    Hugs and Happy Holidays


  • frankiespeakin


    Frankie, I've learned enough about you to know how to get your goat.... tee hee.

    Oh no! And I don't even have a goat.

    Link to above fractal:

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