Out of Curiosity...Does Anyone Believe Anything They WereTaught??

by confuzzed 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • under74

    "Does Anyone Believe Anything They WereTaught??"

    Not really. I don't believe in the Bible teachings or the rules of the WTS. I will say that being brought up a JW instilled in me a distrust of all forms of government, distrust of strangers, and a kind of intolerance towards people that don't believe as I do...I wouldn't say these qualities are my best qualities but as hard as I try to change them, I haven't got there yet.

  • minimus

    I'm confuzzed about everything.

  • ohmaryjane

    Mulan I don't want to sound rude, but your beliefs don't interest me. I was just answering the young ladys question. The topic is "Does anyone believe anything they were taught?" not "Lets debate whether jesus is the son of God?"

  • kwintestal
    I don't want to sound rude

    You did. Meow!

    I don't believe most of what they taught. The general "Love thy neighbor" stuff, even though it's not practiced by JW's, I believe it. But of the teachings that lay the foundation of the church, no way.


  • eyeslice

    I still believe that we should treat all people with diginity and kindness and equals.

    This is something I had to teach my children when we lived in India - a society that is often oblivious to its own social inequalities. It is a pity the Society teaches us this but often fails to practice it itself.


  • confuzzed

    i must admit that it seems as though i was being a little attacked for my question. i asked this question only to seek some help in this confused state i am in. i do not believe that the witnesses hold the corner stone on morality it's just the only place i learnt it and in many cases seen it since i left the truth. thank you though for most of the comments. i definitely have a lot to think about

  • confuzzed

    'i don't mean to be rude':

    maybe you don't want to hear what mulan said but he/she (soory i couldn't remember if you were male or female mulan) was also just answering my question. i don't feel the need to talk about wether or not jesus is the son of god as i believe he is so if that is what anyone wants to talk about then maybe that should be a new topic of discussion. i need help not people being rude to each other...i can get that at the meetings

  • under74

    I don't think anyone meant to attack. remember that some of us have been out for a while and sometimes a cynical tone can creep in. I wouldn't say however(if that tone was used by any of the posters) that it was meant as an attack on you for your question.

  • under74

    well confuzzed...I read the whole thread over and now I'm thinking that maybe some of the posters could have gone a little easier...sorry. They're only opinions though and sometimes it's hard to hide some of the anger and resentment. But I shouldn't give excuses.

  • squinks

    Absolutely Not.

    The good things I believe in: honesty, dignity, love, kindness, sharing, helping, integrity are things that the Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the right to claim as their invention.

    So the answer is not one single solitary thing. Zip, Zero, Nada.

    You see, I love my family and friends and I would never abandon them or make them live in fear of losing my love if they do something that I do not approve of .

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