Why So Many Apostates Hale From Texas

by TMS 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • TMS

    Texas is an ugly state. That was sort of my view 38 years ago,
    traveling from the base of Mt. Rainier to the southern tip of Texas.
    Begrudgingly, I noticed the bigness. Near Pecos, I was puzzled by
    a large dry arroyo bed. A rabbit kicked up a plume of dust as he
    crossed. Thunder cracked and it began to rain. In minutes, the
    dry arroyo became a raging river. I understood.

    I scoffed at the Texas Hill Country. Why even mention hills? Talk
    about your mountains if you have them. But the rythmic, rolling
    nature of the hill country is mesmorizing. The valleys are wide
    and peaceful. Scrubby cedar trees and grass has a beauty of its
    own. Austin and San Antonio are unique cities with personalities
    that can't be duplicated in the rust belt.

    If the Rio Grande Valley doesn't blow your mind, nothing else will.
    Without road signs try proving this area is not part of Mexico.

    So much for the ugly terrain. What about the people?

    In the north Texas town of Weatherford, I failed to notice an elderly
    lady struggling with the cafe door. A lanky cowboy nearly jumped over
    me to open the door for her.

    North of Houston, an elderly couple put a "Barbeque" sign in front
    of their white bungalow. Grandpa smoked meats in the backyard.
    Grandma waitressed the living room. Several small tables were
    covered with red/white checkered plastic cloths. In our frequent
    trips to Houston and beyond, we knew where to stop. The house
    remains, in disrepair.

    For over thirty years a farmer in the Rio Grande Valley had his lunch
    from April to October at 11:00 a.m. He refused to recognize "Johnson Time."

    I rest my case.


  • Stefanie


    I am from Texas!

    What about it?

  • Brummie

    Because Jehovah has removed his blessing?

  • Brummie

    oh, I thought it said "why DO so many.."

  • Jesika

    I have been living in Austin for close to a yr now and it is just breathe taking, but Dallas has my heart.


  • teejay

    Not nearly long enough. Your post, I mean.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    As a native Texian, I noticed from your post that you did not see the pretty parts of Texas. We have all kinds of terrain here since it's so big.....from the grassy plains of the Gulf Coast, to the hidden mossy bayous, Big Thicket and lush green forests of East Texas, the dry, grassy plains, rolling hills and mountains of Western and Northern Texas......and of course, we have plenty of lakes, creeks and rivers, too. :)

  • defective light
    defective light

    Could it be Texans.....

    "Don't Mess with Texas"...... Or the Troof ?

  • Mulan

    Could it be because it is so big?

  • TresHappy

    Because We're the Lone Star Apostate!

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