PLEASANTVILLE: what it means to Betty

by betty boop 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Insomniac

    Pleasantville should be required viewing for anyone leaving the witnesses. My boyfriend still can't figure why it gets me so emotional every time I see it.

    Shawshank Redemption is not one you'd usually think of, but I was moved by the part, near the end, when Red (Morgan Freeman) was finally out of the prison, and he should have been happy to be free, but he had no idea how to live as a free man. I can symathize, as I remember the feeling well. Then of course, the final scene, where he meets his old friend, now also free, on that beautiful beach. Always makes me hope for the day my dear friends and family can escape and we can be together again.

  • funkyderek
    I thought that they made the Amish look pretty good, but I heard that the Amish community was very upset with the way they were portrayed.

    How would they know?

  • undercover
    I thought that they made the Amish look pretty good, but I heard that the Amish community was very upset with the way they were portrayed.

    How would they know?

    Good I wondered about too, but I'm sure they have their own clerics/pharisees/elders that monitor anything and everything so as to warn their flock/followers/suckers about not getting involved in anything that they decide is taboo...just like JWs.

    I remember a movie that had Kevin Costner in it about an escaped convict who kidnapped a JW kid. The kid and convict become buddies in a way and the JW kid ends up trick or treating and dressing up as a ghost even when he knew it was wrong. I think(can't remember for sure) the movie was rated R. I remember some of the friends being all upset how the little boy was portrayed and condeming the movie and I wondered, "how do you know? Did you see it? and if you did, why? wasn't it rated R?"

  • Coqueton

    I thought the movie "The Village" accurately portrayed the org and the trickery to keep people in and using fear.

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