What happens when 144K all die?

by M.J. 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • M.J.

    Sorry for my ignorance but,

    What is the WTS's stance on the dying out "anointed class"? Don't they comprise the "Faithful, Discreet slave"? Aren't they the "earthly mediators" for the "great crowd"? Aren't they the only ones with the true anointing of the holy spirit which allows them to be "directed" by Jehovah regarding his affairs on earth?

    Wasn't their number cut off in 1935, with the exception of a few backfilled positions? This upcoming year will make 70 years since that date. I'm assuming that their baptism had to occur before 1935, so the bulk of these remaining folks would have to be perhaps 83-85 at least, am I not correct?

    What happens in a few years when it is no longer feasible to claim that the 144,000 are still on this earth? Then what?

  • confusedjw

    Now there is a good question. Perhaps they will simply claim that Armageddon came and we didn't see it, like Jesus return. We'll just be in the new system someday and while "worldly" people are still alive and well they will claim they are in the lake of fire gnashing their teeth because they aren't in the spiritual paradise at the KH.

    This is just a guess of course - just as their's is.

  • 144001

    Very simple. The Society can merely blame Arthur Anderson for an accounting scandal that allowed greater than 144,000 to become annointed. Causes of action will then accrue to Jehovah to litigate this matter, and obtain a declaratory judgment that eliminates the extras. I will survive such action by virtue of the arithmetic immateriality variance granted to me by Jehovah.

  • blondie

    Actually, the WTS teaches that some of them will still be alive on earth when Armageddon comes.

    w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch"


    Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller. Yet, referring to the great tribulation, Jesus stated: "Unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short." (Matthew 24:21, 22) Evidently, then, some of Christ?s "chosen ones" will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.


    w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch"

    In the parable of the sheep and the goats, the Son of man arrives in his glory in the period of the great tribulation and sits in judgment. He judges people on the basis of whether they gave support to Christ?s anointed brothers. This standard for judgment would be meaningless if at the time of judgment, all of Christ?s brothers had long since left the earthly scene.?Matthew 25:31-46.

  • JustTickledPink

    I remember that question and I remember this answer being given to me... that at some point during the "anointed" persons life if they became unfaithful, they could be removed from that 144,000 number and when that happens a SLOT OPENS UP!!! whipppeee... anyways, at that point Jehovah sends a message to the "filler" and they could become anointed right then. I knew a lady who professed to be of the anointed and she was only in her 40's.

    So there might be several that "stumble" and become unfaithful and then there would be replacements and who knows how long that process could potentially take.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    New members keep showing up at each Memorial celebration! They'll never die down!!!


  • undercover
    that at some point during the "anointed" persons life if they became unfaithful, they could be removed from that 144,000 number and when that happens a SLOT OPENS UP!!! whipppeee... anyways, at that point Jehovah sends a message to the "filler" and they could become anointed right then.

    The success rate of the anointed must not be too good. The number of the remnant left on earth has hovered around the same mark for quite some time now. The rate of people alive in the 20s and 30s is declining at a much faster rate than those of the remnant, who are of that same age group. That would mean that for the remnant number to remain fairly constant, a steady rate of the 144,000 are proving unfaithful year after year.

  • catchthis

    Yeah, well, when was the last time you heard of an 80-90 somethin' brother or sister getting the boot because they failed Jehover? Do the "older ones" in the hall really get df'd that much "in this time of the end?" Even if they did start spouting off weird ideas and saying the wrong answers at the hall, they would simply be thought of as losing their minds.

    "Oh it's such a shame that Brother Annointed's mind is not the same as he used to be. Hopefully he will soon be with Jehovah and the other 136,000ish virgins in heaven. Wait a sec, is it 136,000 or 135,000? I can't keep track. How many does the WT say partook last year? I always get confused. Sometimes the number gets higher as the system draws close to the end."

    In the end, does it really matter who the 144k are? I mean c'mon. Ask any of the annointed which tribe they belong to and they will just mumble something and walk away. THEY don't even know.

  • M.J.

    Woah, does the WTS actually keep a running tally of the number of anointed? It would be interesting to analyze the numbers. I'm sure that more and more in the coming years the numbers and statistics will point to some glaring problems, no matter how much the WTS tries to wiggle out of it. I guess some major "new light" is due.

  • blondie
    Woah, does the WTS actually keep a running tally of the number of anointed?

    You think they just make up the # of partakers and post it every year?

    The attendants note who partakes at each Memorial though the elders may decide whether to count them depending on the "standing." (also it is noted on your publishers card whether you profess to be of the anointed or the other sheep)

    Of course, according to the WTS, some of these may not be "real" or "genuine" anointed.

    I think the numbers are finally declining again...after several strong WT articles about who "should" partake.


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