If pastor Russel had zeal at all it was at least in the beginning based on

by ko38 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ko38

    HONESTY.from what i have read he did shed a light for a brief time.what we need is a true prophet to teach us.until that time comes I can only hope in those things not beheld.anyone reading Ray Franz will agree with me.if we give up as individuals what is that saying to Satan.

    I say we dont give up.Jesus says to be always striving for truth and righteousness.Hey people we are better than that.you all know who you are,lets not foresake our hope in the LORD.NO MATTER WHAT even if we know that he is not coming in our lifetime should we not be as a fine servant rather than a ridicueling one?it is your call,But for some of us we are starting to feel our own mortality,ie.. getting older.at the very least why dont we trust in something.

    IWe all know the GB is wrong or we wouldnt be here.sorry for preaching its just something i believe.opinions welcome

  • ko38

    Please dont take my post the wron way. I just want to know what the mortality of mankind is and no-one has the answers.I DOAN NO NUTTIN

  • Pleasuredome

    i think he had great zeal for money and control.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Russell had a great zeal for his version of truth.

    Here is an article from the first edition of the WT.

    Read it carefully.


  • LittleToe

    I think he probably started out with sincere questions, however power corrupts.

    That's only an opinion, though, as I never met the guy...

  • confusedjw

    From what I have read the first years of his ministry he was very concerned with truth, but he was a numerologist. Running numbers back and forth until he got something to fit. He started off anti-dating of prophesy, but later on with Brown's 2520 year calculation and Barbour's 1874 / 6000 years of man's existance stuff got very into it.

    I think when he got full of himself as the "wise and faithful slave" - thinking Jesus was working through him alone it got dicey.

  • Narkissos

    Sincerity can be found everywhere to a degree; many founders are sincere, at least when they begin. I guess even the Adolf Hitler of Mein Kampf was in his own sick way.

    There is a thought that helped me tremendously when I was leaving the JWs. To a fellow "pioneer" who was aware of my personal ramblings but was continually asking what I thought on this and that subject (WT questions of course), I once answered: "Living by faith means I am no longer under obligation to have an opinion on everything." It just came out like that, but I can't tell you how relieved we both felt with this very simple idea.

  • Satanus

    Make a list russel's beliefs, then see how many you agree with.

    Zeal and sincerity don't prove a thing, in themselves. You should read biographies of some of the great people: the catholic saints, the marxists (engels, marx, lenin), their children the comunists, the modern day marxists in zimbabwe fixing to kill as many white people in their country as possible, martin luther, john calvin, etc, etc. Zeal and sincerity are like uranium: in the right hands, they can be good, in the wrong hands they kill millions. And so today, while millions of jws aren't dead yet, in their remaining time they are deluded.


  • gumby
    what we need is a true prophet to teach us.until that time comes I can only hope in those things not beheld

    You already had one........2,000 years ago and what he taught was recorded. Why do you need a teacher?

    All teachers do is learn ...then impart. You can learn on your own by reading and coming to conclusions on your own instead of someone else's conclusions. Jesus said the "spirit" would be your teacher.


  • shotgun

    I shared your zeal for truth after reading Ray's book on Christian Freedom...that lasted a couple weeks until I started examining the scriptures with the same critical eye I used on the WT...

    Russell had zeal for every passing whim.

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