Christmas Lights...

by Steve Egner 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Maybe you could ask for copies of the telephoto pics the J-Ho spies are taking right now....from across the street!

    Steve: You're kidding aren't you? They are actually taking pictures? Or do you mean on our street?

  • Steve Egner
    Steve Egner


    Steve: You're kidding aren't you? They are actually taking pictures? Or do you mean on our street?

    Let's just say, always look your best, and randomly flip the bird toward the street occasionally. I'd want a copy of that one...


  • LDH

    I put some up yesterday, and the wreath on the door. We just got a real noble fir wreath for indoors to make the house smell great....I'll post pics if I can figure it out.

  • jimbob

    I'll try and take a pic of our house tonight when it's dark and post it. I'm already planning next year's display which will obviously include even more lights.

    Mulan, just let me know when you and Dave want to put up your lights...Steve and I will come over and help.... I had lights on the upper part of our house last year, but I decided to go with the ground level this year. But next year I will do them again up top. I already know I'm going to have to put in a bigger breaker with more amps to support the extra lights. Maybe my JW brother-in-law will help me...

    Well, the snow is gone now. It went away as fast as it arrived. Hopefully we'll get more later this year. I'm surprised you guys didn't get any snow up north there in the Edmonds-Lynwood area. Usually your area gets the wild weather because of the convergence zone. I'm sure next time it will snow there, and we'll end up getting nothing here.

    By the way Mulan, my wife won't let me get the big blow up Santa to put on our porch.... She says it's too much...but I'll work on her for next year!

  • Valis
    By the way Mulan, my wife won't let me get the big blow up Santa to put on our porch....

    greetings know you could always threaten to put Santa on the roof if he can't go on the porch..


    District Overbeer

  • jimbob

    Not a bad idea, Valis. However, since I fell from a ladder one time while working on the house and broke a few things, I think the roof idea is pretty much out. She didn't like it last year when I got on the roof to put up the icicle lights. But hey, some things are just worth the risk.

  • Valis

    eh make Steve come over and help w/the mischief..eheh


    District Overbeer

  • Mulan
    Mulan, just let me know when you and Dave want to put up your lights...Steve and I will come over and help

    Thanks Jimbob. I am pretty sure we will take you up on that one.

    As for snow, we do get it, but usually not until January. We had a threat of snow this weekend, but it didn't get cold enough. It is really cold right now though. Brrrrr.

    Steve: Guess I had better be more careful what I am wearing as I walk around the house, eh?

  • jimbob

    Okay, here's our home at night. I was hesitant to put lights up high, especially since last year we had a wind storm that knocked them all down. ( we get lots of wind here during the winter) But I think for next year we're going to go all out and do the whole house top and bottom, along with my blow up Santa...

  • Mulan

    I would love to put some ligths on the tree in the front yard, and a net light thing, over the ivy on the planter. That would look really pretty. One day I am going to have my reindeer.

    Love what you did, Jimbob.

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