Will Commentary press send CoC anonymously?

by Bubbamar 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bubbamar

    I'm wondering - If I want to send a copy of CoC to an old friend - and send a money order and mailing address to Commentary Press - would the book be sent to the person with them being unable to find out who sent it?

    I found out that an old friend is DF'ed but trying to get reinstated. I just want him to have something to think about while he sits in shame at the back of the hall. I don't really care if he knows I sent it to him -- but would not want it to get back to my mom that I sent it to him. If it was mailed from my city and state - he might be able to figure out who sent it.

    Any suggestions?

  • Poztate
    If I want to send a copy of CoC to an old friend - and send a money order and mailing address to Commentary Press - would the book be sent to the person with them being unable to find out who sent it?

    You don't have to put your name on a postal money order so there would be no way that your friend would find out you sent it. Just send in the money order and your friends mailing address and don't worry about being found out.

  • RunningMan

    I think I bought my copy from freeminds. It was either COC or something similar. Anyway, I specifically requested that it be sent out in an unidentified manner, so that no one would recognize it. Even though I had it sent to my office, where no one cares, I was still pretty paranoid. I'm sure Randy would accomodate whatever you request.

  • heathen

    You can try to contact the people in charge of delivering the book and state your situation . If you are getting it from freeminds I'm sure they can arrange something but how would you know your friend received the book ? That's a great idea sending that to someone who is being mistreated by a fraud .

  • Satanus

    Maybe you could get santa to push it down his chimney. Nobady knows who santa really is


    Ps, all gift wrapped and everything ...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Commentary Press has an email address - I am sure that Ray would send it anyway you want it delivered if u email and ask him - his email is backed up a ways most of the time - so allow a couple weeks for him to answer -


  • willyloman
  • lonelysheep

    What a good way to look out for him. I just got my book yesterday and am really relating to what I'm reading. I'll send it if you want!

  • Bubbamar

    THanks you guys.

    Loney sheep - love your avatar - glad you are reading CoC - it really is a great book. And that's a great idea to mail it - I'll check in with Commentary Press and let you know if I need your help. No one would ever guess it coming from New Jersey!

  • Bryan

    I agree, I think they will send it anyway you like. And what a great idea!


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