Freedom of Thought and JW Opposers

by dunsscot 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • dunsscot

    Dear Copernicus,

    I concur with much of what you said, and I want you to know that I am not trying to be on display here. I have certain points I want to make, and I choose to communicate them in a certain way. I actually love the life of the mind (the bios theoretikos) and think that it can be used to help others see the light of truth. In the long run, I do not think that it really matters how I write here. Heidegger wrote that Being (Dasein) reveals itself, thus manifesting a certain alethic quality, but it also conceals itself--demonstrating itself to be a-lethic. Note the privative usage of the alpha prefix in the latter case. We thus see that Dasein both conceals itself and reveals itself. And if language and thought are rooted in Dasein, we can expect signifiers to sometimes hide as much as they bring to light. The one seeking aletheia will, however, find it with due dilligence and prayer.

    :So, tell me. . . where do you go from here?:

    I will continue to stick with JWs and wait upon God YHWH to act (Micah 7). I see no need at this point to cease communing with JWs or take issue with their doctrinal framework as a whole. I am confident that positive changes will take place in the next few years. But that is another story.

    Christian love,

    Duns the Scot

  • dunsscot

    Dearest Farkel,

    Peace be unto you, my beloved friend.

    You scribble:

    It hasn't been since the days Greg Stafford attempted to give us all lessons in koine' Greek that anyone has shown us such self-aggrandizing puffery and obfuscating pedantry. Then you come along. Well, perhaps you ARE Greggie boy in a new disguise attempting to shine again. I don't know and I'm not making accusations about that. The puffery? Yes. Stafford? No.:

    Why, I could never do what Greg Stafford has done. First, he has written a magisterial work that definitively "puts paid" to the criticisms of JW opposers. Moreover, Greg skillfully utilizes Hebrew, Greek, and even apocalyptic literature to utterly obliterate the impotent arguments of his unjust antagonists. The most that I have done, however, is spout nonsense in the name of philosophia.

    :Here is your reply. You failed to include my original and specific questions, so I'll have to help you out here. Apparently with all your "knowledge" you haven't mastered that as-difficult technique of learning to shade words, pressing Ctrl-C and then Ctrl-V. I know it's difficult, but practice. In a few months you may even learn how to actually do it.:

    That's just it, dear Farkel. I do not possess any GNWSIS, much less computer GNWSIS or EPIGNWSIS. I appreciate all of the help that I can get, my dear friend. Hopefully, I'll be as proficient as you one day, when it comes to computers. I surely have no proficiency or skill when it comes to philosophia or theologia or even theoria.

    :You "answered" me thusly:

    You're joking, right. Oh joy of joys!

    DS : 1) God evidently has a universal organization and an earthly one. When I speak of "God's Organization," I am referring to God's earthly organization composed of the remaining ones of the heavenly woman's seed and those who loyally associate with this remnant.:

    Fark: Your original statement and my original reply was this:

    DS: Are those who have left God's organization and Jehovah God Himself actually now more open-minded and unbiased?:

    F: What, exactly is "God's Organization?" Please be specific. There will be a quiz. And by implication you have stated that leaving "God's Organization(tm)" is the same a (sic) leaving "Jehovah God Himself." Please show evidence for that assertion.:

    I think there is an aporia in the sentence above. At first you type that I 'implied' something, then you turn around and insist that I "show evidence for that assertion." Which is it, Brother Fark? Did I imply or assert something? If you want to get real specific, Fark, I actually asked a REEtorical questione (sic).

    Farkel: I specifically asked one simple question, and your "evidence" was that "evidently" God has two organizations. Yet your original question about those who "left" that organization and "God Himself" implied that they were facts. Even though you haven't directly admitted it, your use of the word "evidently" shows they are not facts and betrays that your first question was loaded. So I will follow up with this: what proof can you show that God even "evidently" has a "heavenly" and and "earthly" organization?:

    First, you asked for evidence regarding a reetorical quastion (sic). Do you know something that I do not? I guess you must, for I did not know that I COULD provide evidence to buttress or support a question, Fark.

    Furthermore, how would you know that my question implied certain "facts"? How do you know I even think there are such things as facts? Maybe there are no facts, at least, not in a brute sense. Could you be more specific?

    You tell me how to provide "evidence" for a rhetorical question, and I will show that God "evidently" has a heavenly and an earthly organization.

    Fark: Next, you said:

    : 2) In His holy Word, God Himself tells us that when we bless His worshipers, we are in effect blessing Him. Conversely, cursing God's servants is akin to "cursing" Him.

    I'm appalled that you claim you have studied both Rene Decartes and Emmanuel Kant and yet you cannot even see circular argument. Both those men were masters of logic, with Kant building upon and adding to the ideas of Decartes.:

    DS: Both Kant and Descartes may have been masters of logic, but they both committed blatant logical fallacies. Herman Dooyeweerd shows that Kant's distinction of noumena and phenomena is logically inconsistent (Josef Siefert provides a penetrating analysis of Kant's transcedental critique, showing that Kant begs the question bigtime when he is epistemologizing). Alasdair McIntrye ("After Virtue") takes Kant's ethical maxim concerning universalizability to task, showing its weaknesses, and when Descartes attempts to reason from the finite cogito to an infinite ego in the "Meditations," he himself reveals certain slips in logic, as shown by Kenny and Maritain and Curley (I think!). Need more examples of logical fallacies from these two masters of logic? Hey, I'm not even an analytical philosopher: I was actually trained in the continental, existential phenomenological tradition. But even I can spot invalid arguments.

    Farkel: I have a book entitled "Kant Selections" edited by Theodore M. Green. It is 526 pages long and contains extensive quotations from Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason," "Transcendental Analytic," "Transcendental Dialectic", "Theory of Ethics," and "Critique of Judgement." While I find Kant quite stuffy, he is very logical, and like all philosophers before him and after him who tried to logically prove the existence of God, failed miserably. Have you read Socrates' dialogue with Euthyphro from Plato's Dialogues? If not, I suggest you do so. If you read it and understand it, you will learn that everything you might think you know about what is "good" and what is "evil" requires a whole new way of thinking. I posted an essay on it recently and it should be some in the archives here.:

    I'll be talking about the Euthyphro later. But I have read it, and think it is wanting, in the Danielic sense.

    F: Your statement above amounts to this: 1) God's word is Holy. 2) That word says what we fo (sic) to his worshipers is the same as doing it to God himself.

    F: So? If you are claiming that Jehovah's Witnesses are "His" worshipers, then I demand proof, and since you offer the Bible as proof, I will accept proof from the Bible.

    DS: Can you show me where I wrote JWs are "His" (God's?) worshipers? If you can provide empirical evidence of such, I promise I will offer biblical proof that they are such.

    Fark: By the way, the only way we "know" the Bible is "Holy" is because the Bible says it is Holy, and the only way we "know" the Bible is true is because the Bible SAYS it is true. That's circular reasoning. The only way we know the fox is guarding the hen house is because the fox has promised it will guard the hen house, and fox's are well-known for being trustworthy when it comes to guarding hen houses. Sure, they are.:

    DS: Define what you mean by "know," and then prove that the only way we "know" the Bible is holy is because Holy Writ says so.

    DS: :3) An Olympian perspective is an outlook that is comparable to the mythical gods who inhabited Mt. Olympus.

    Farkel: Ok, I understand: you want me to have a mythical outlook just like the mythical outlooks had by the mythical Gods. In otherwords, you want me to think like a dub.:

    DS: Looks like you're also thinking like a dunce. No offense intended. :-) I did not mean that you're supposed to have a mythical outlook like the gods of Olympus. My point was that an Olympian perspective is not historically-conditioned. It can supposedly perceive "things" without the filters of finite preunderstandings. If you did not understand, all you had to do was ask, hUIE.

    DS: It is a perspective that is not historically conditioned or filtered through any finite preunderstandings.

    Fark: Right, 'cause it is after all, mythical.

    The Olympians may have been mythical, it does not follow that an Olympian vantage point is also mythical. Besides, I'm sure you might accept certain myths such as the Big Bang Theory or the "God is dead" notion. Am I getting warm?

    DS: One who articulates his or her Weltanschauung from an Olympian perspective is putatively able to transcend the existential fray of existence and speak as if his or her words are infallible in nature, ex cathedra.

    Farkel: Simply put you want me to believe mythical shit as if it was infallible. At least you're starting to make some better sense now.
    Your whole thesis boils down to: "Just start thinking like a dub and then you'll understand everything."

    DS: If you keep failing to comprehend the clear meaning of my signifiers, I'm going to have to detain you after class, my friend.

    DS: 4) You also asked me to prove that "so-called 'vile utterances'" even "bother a God "so far removed from us all that is pathetic." Well, what kind of "proof" would satisfy your mind.

    Farkel: Valid, provable assertions, followed by logical conclusions. This (sic) is (sic?) the rudiments (sic?) of logic. You could not have possibly studied philosophy without being forced to understand the calculus of logic as part of your studies, so you should know perfectly well what kind of proof I demand. By the way do the Humanities Departments in Universities offer degrees in "Windbagging" these days? Just curious.:

    DS: During all my years of studying the "love of wisdom," I was never "forced" to understand anything. I willingly tried to comprehend all that my instructors learnt me. And yes, certain universities or colleges do offer degrees in windbagging. Are you thinking about seeking a degree in windbagging? If so, let me know. I'll be glad to help a brother in any way that I can.

    Here's to clear dinking,

    Duns the Scot

  • Tina

    Wow! What a thread lol....Dun dear,you would have received a great big F from my Philosophy profs with the addendum-"Don't baffle me with bullshit' lol....(I know as I was his assistant and recorded grades etc) lol.....Cheers,Tina

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I think I know why you posted here.

    I think you can't get enough mental stimulus at the Kingdom Hall, and you want to banter(well almost in a good natured way), with someone that may be a little more challlenging.

    And I think you are starting to come out of WT mind control but it's still is to painful to see your Hope the WT is not very fulling. But I feel you will see it soon.

    There is another hope besides the WT, search and you will find it.

  • Copernicus

    Hello Dan:

    I concur with much of what you said, and I want you to know that I am not trying to be on display here.

    Good. Then we can put that question aside and attempt to stay focused on the content of your posts.

    I have certain points I want to make, and I choose to communicate them in a certain way. I actually love the life of the mind (the bios theoretikos) and think that it can be used to help others see the light of truth.

    How you choose to communicate them is for you to decide. I do know that when I have something to say, I like to state it in my own terms also. And it is true that we no doubt have a wide, though invisible audience, some of who may be benefiting from this sort of discourse in ways I wouldn’t foresee. Complimentarily speaking, that you love the life of the mind is self-evident, ha, ha. That it could be used to help others see a certain point of view, true or otherwise, is patently possible.

    In the long run, I do not think that it really matters how I write here.

    I think that this statement has a broad-based application for ALL of us.

    In answer to my question, where do you go from here? You said:

    I will continue to stick with JWs and wait upon God YHWH to act (Micah 7). I see no need at this point to cease communing with JWs or take issue with their doctrinal framework as a whole. I am confident that positive changes will take place in the next few years. But that is another story.

    I applaud, within definite limits, anyone acting in good faith who finds strength in their convictions – even if I don’t share them. You’ve given us very little personal information. I wonder how long you’ve been a Witness? There is (or so it seems to me) a peculiar evolution to the process for a thinking person. You may, or may not find it to be so in your case.

    Please humor my curiosity when I ask at what point would you cease communing with the JW’s and finally take issue with their doctrinal framework? As far as positive changes go . . I myself would characterize positive changes as the dissolution of the Sanhedrin (GB) as we know it, and along with that an abandonment of the Talmudic mindset that has so mired the organization. I’ve said elsewhere that the org is infinitely more comparable to first century Judaism, with all its emphasis on works, rules, and punishment, then Christianity with its emphasis on the personal development of a relationship with God, and outward manifestations of the kingly law of love.

    I’d be interested in your thoughts on this matter.

    Finally, you mentioned Greg Stafford in your response to Farkel. I’m not familiar with him (to any degree) or his “magisterial work” but I do seem to recall that he made a complete fool of himself on talk.origiens by attempting to defend the WTS’specious “scholarship.” How do YOU live with that aspect of things? Please recall my argument via “sum totals.”

    Hoping you’ll expand on these points. . .


  • JT

    The Offical WT view on using "Big Words"

    for once i have to agree with the WT- i can't believe I'm agreeing with the Boys in Writing- I just hope that were quoting this material from some other publication


    *** sg 55-6 11 Using Good Speech Every Day ***
    7 The purpose of an enlarged vocabulary, of course, is not to show off. Our objective is to convey information, not to make a personal impression on our hearers. Our viewpoint should be identical with that expressed by the apostle Paul: “In a congregation I would rather speak five words with my mind, that I might also instruct others verbally, than ten thousand words in a [foreign] tongue.” (1 Cor. 14:9, 19) If one’s speech is too difficult to be understood it might just as well be in a foreign tongue. Similarly, it is wise to avoid being needlessly technical with those who will not value the details. Even in ordinary conversation we should not try to impress listeners by complex speech and long words. It is more important that our listeners grasp what we have to say. Remember, according to Proverbs 15:2, “the tongue of wise ones does good with knowledge.” The choice of good words, words easily understood, helps make our speech refreshing and stimulating rather than dull and uninteresting.—Col. 4:6.

    *** sg 58 11 Using Good Speech Every Day ***
    7, 8. Of what dangers in connection with an enlarged vocabulary should we be aware?

  • JT


    Welcome to this site- after thinking about it for awhile and reading through all 7 pages I have come to the conclusion that actually it is a good thing that you have chosen to use some pretty large words on these threads-

    While I in noway understood half of what you have written-- I am IMPRESSED- I started thinking-- Where would a person like this fit into WT World esp if you are a male

    As I mentioned I would in no way challenge you along the lines of going tip for tap on the use of big words- but there is one thing I do know and know very well being a Former Society Man

    And that is how you would fit or should I say not fit in WT World

    Since "Advanced" education has never been a strong feature among jw as an organization and esp those who venture into the area of "Philosophy" I sat here smiling as I read your post

    You see I come to this board from an entirely different angle than most- I rarely ever argue or debate here – as I stated from the first day I came here – I've spent 30yrs arguing over whether Jesus died on a "Lightpole or Telephone Pole" so BEEN THERE DONE THAT

    I'm thinking to myself being a former Society Man what would happen if he used these types of words on the School or in one of his service meeting parts or perhaps the public talk- and Lord have mercy if he were to use these words in his talk at the Circuit or District convention – I could just see you Quoting one of these "Wordly Men" in a comment during the WT Study- the friends or should I say YOUR Friends would just look at you out the corner of their eye- how sad

    What would happen to him – how would he be viewed

    You see the WT org has always prided itself on BEING DIFFERENT FROM other religions including manner and way in which speakers give talks

    I recall Carey Barber one morning at bethel breakfast Dogging the priest for doing the services in LATIN- he made the point that in some poor ignorant country where the avg education was less than the 5th grade the members would be impressed but wouldn't understand a thing

    So I'm thinking to myself if you were to avg the education of 6 million + jw would it come out to be about 7th grade- so I keep asking myself --where would "dun" FIT IN AMONG such a group


    so I've come to the conclusion that you too are another OUTCAST from your Hall-
    we seem to have guys like you coming here vry often and I can understand why – for at least you get some Mental exercise

    You appear to be very intelligent , well educated but among your "Circle" aka jw - you are Dirt

    In fact you would be viewed as being "Spirtually Weak" proud even perhaps- and why
    Just because you had a desire to learn some words a little larger and deeper than what is found in the WT mags- how sad for a religion to dog a man such as you merely because you learned material from a souce that they didn't say it was OK too – so sad

    OF COURSE I thought perhaps he would not use such words around the friends, but I recall when my wife and I started by going to college- the mental challenge that advanced education promotes is so exciting that you need as the bible says IRON TO SHARPEN IRON
    And as someone else had commented --it has got to feel good to be able to dialog with guys and gals who can go tip for tap even if you don't agree with them

    I recall some of the debates in some of the college classes we took last yr – afterward even though you didn't agree with the guy you became friends cause you both could think on the same level

    Well all of us here know that the level you are operating on simply is not found in a Kingdom Hall.

    I dare say if you can count 10 folks in your circuit who could carry on the conversation that has been going on here.

    While I see many others here Dogging you as it were for ducking this issue or that issue

    I don't much fault you – if someone was throwing a brick at my head I would duck too

    But I actually feel SORRY FOR YOU-- let's look at SOME FACTS:

    You belong to a organization that has told you, directed you , forbidden you under penalty of Dfing for merely being here, in fact the same org that you defend so sincerely would shaft you --if you were caught here, and why

    Well according to the mouth pc of GOD the FDS to hang out with Apostates is a direct violation of the Word of God, but as we can see YOU ARE HERE

    Now here comes the kicker:

    For a person who belongs to such "Closed " org with no Open Freedom in this area of being able to hang out with the dfed, DA, apostates to then come to the very forum that he is BANNED from and to ask

    " IS THERE ANY FREEDOM HERE" is truly sad

    So like I mentioned-- for me-- I feel sorry for YOU guy

    Just imagine folks if this thread with all his comments were cut and pasted and sent to his CO his A$$ would be Grass

    So sad indeed FOR HERE WE have a man perhaps who appears to enjoy digging into the deeper things of learning would be COMPLETELY shut down and classed as unspiritual merely because of his desire to learn- now that is so sad when you belong to a RELIGION that treat you like that

    You see DUN what you and many others fail to realize is that you are not dialoging with bible studies---many of us here not only Enforced WT rules, policies and regulations we help create them due to where were served in this Org.

    There are many of us here who know Org procedures like THE BACK OF YOUR HAND-

    BUT I WILL pose 2 questions to you and they both are related to the WT stance on matters

    1. Are you serving as an elder?

    I will even tell you why I ask – according to the WT head spokesman my boy JR Brown this is a quote --the Official position on what is says about those male members who hold no titles:

    Paducah Sun 1-28-01

    "because of the church's structure, the fact that such a
    member, if male, who would have fewer rights in the congregation, would not be serving in a leadership role would alert members that "he obviously lacks spiritual maturity."

    You see I asked "Where would a man like yourself fit into WT?"-- I just wanted to know if you fit

    2. Do you agree with this statement from the FDS about "Harboring Private understandings of the bible"

    Aug 1- 2001

    First, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and “the faithful and discreet slave.”



  • Farkel

    dunny boy,

    :Why, I could never do what Greg Stafford has done. First, he has written a magisterial work that definitively "puts paid" to the criticisms of JW opposers.

    I have a personal friend who is a professor of Humanities and Religion at a major University. He is more well-versed on JWs than even most informed "apostates." He's studied them their history, and their doctrines for twenty years and has written a number of essays on the movement. As a friend, he would do most anything for me I asked and that he could actually do.

    Another professor friend of mine and I obtained a copy of Stafford's book and offered him several hundred dollars if he would write a critique on just ONE chapter of Greg's book and attach his name to it.
    We wanted to do this, because Stafford holds himself out to be a "scholar," but I've seen no peer-review of his book. We wanted the opinion of a professional academic who is an expert on the subject of JWs.

    My friend read the book and declined. He said the book was unscholarly and unworthy of review.

    So much for that "magisterial work" that "definitively 'puts paid' to the criticisms of JW opposers.' An esteemed one of his own peers considers it unworthy of scholarly review.

    Greg may be a big-shot in dubland, but he's a nobody in academia. But saying that is almost redundant, isn't it?

    As for the rest of your comments, I'll review them and see if you actually answered any of my questions and challenges. I don't consider a "response" from you to necessarily be an answer, by the way.

    Give Greg my regards, and tell him most of us think he'll be joining our ranks pretty darn soon. The fit is about to hit the shan in WatchTowerLand. Smart people don't stay in that world and Greg is a very smart individual: he's just wasting his time trying to defend the indefensible.


  • Copernicus
    I dare say if you can count 10 folks in your circuit who could carry on the conversation that has been going on here.

    JT: 10 folks? Just how BIG is your circuit, ha, ha? Enjoyed your down to earth comments.

    And Farkel: thanks for the info on Stafford. It’ll save me the $1.5 his book cost to read it and come to the same conclusion. I thought I’d heard you or someone talk about this before, but couldn’t quite remember the details.

    Hey buddy, what happened to taking a break?

  • ISP

    Hi Dunscott, welcome to the board!

    The WTS have a handy knack of depicted other beliefs systems as 'shaped by human wisdom and desires' (quote 1.8.01 WT page 6)whereas the WTS beliefs are somehow different!

    WTS claims that its beliefs are based on gods word as oppose to human reasonings! What garbage! Take the blood issue. One of the 'prohibited' substances is plasma which is 95% water with the rest fractions. Yet you can take fractions and water seperately but together you can't. If you did would be DA'd. Now show me where in Gods word you can support this.......or is this ......a belief ........'shaped by human wisdom and desires' ?

    When it comes to the blood issue and the new 'generation' teaching...JWs are not much better than catholics etc who believe the trinity although they haven't a clue why they should. So much for freedom of thought.


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