IQ tests

by Dawn 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    What's more intelligent being dont show their tongue in public like Eisntain (sp or stain?) did,

    only dogs tipically do that, but they are good friends anyway..

  • rune

    The tests measure aptitudes in categories differentiated by notable psychologists. I'm way too tired to go into that right now though....

    Intelligence scores are an overall calculation but there are underlying scores for each category to show the strengths and weaknesses of someone's mind. The real problem faced in the credibility of aptitude tests is whether (1) whether the test is [culturally] biased, (2) whether the material given really does effectively serve as a measure of someone's aptitude in that category and (3) whether the measurements of the responses given can be quantified in a manner that reflects intelligence properly. In other words, the subjective approach of a corner in the psychological community decides what the best measure of intelligence is based on their experiences and education, rather than just any old guy. Nonetheless this doesn't mean they're right, but it does lend a bit more weight to IQ tests rather than just saying they're no good without really specifying why...

  • Carmel

    When I left home at the tender age of 14 I was put in juvy hall at the request of my parents. While there they tested me with everything under the sun including IQ. All I can say is that the two mensa members that worked for me in Alaska were pretty dissappointing with regard to common sense and personal ethics. Glad scoring high didn't screw with my head like it did with them...


  • Sirona


    I'm going to be honest here about Mensa. Since I joined I haven't had anything but flack for it from people who haven't joined. I'd literally had people scowl when it came up (in my normal life I hardly EVER mention it - even more so now do I avoid it because people seem to put be into some category of what they think I am). I've even had people on the net refer to my beliefs and say that I couldn't possibly be in mensa because I have certain beliefs which *they* think are stupid.

    The fact of the matter with mensa (and me) is that I joined because I had a serious lack of proper friends when I left the JWs. I heard about the special interest groups in mensa and realised that it would give me something to do socially. So I went and took the test in order to join.

    Since I joined I realised that there are a lot of self important jerks in mensa. They sit around talking about how intelligent they are. That is bullshit in my opinion.

    Intelligence tests give an indicator of certain things about a person (such as the speed they can work out puzzles, etc.) but there is no such thing as "intelligence" really. It is just too difficult to define it. I've met a zillion people who are WAY more quick witted / successful / talented than me and I'd have put myself on the "just higher than average" level. So maybe the whole mensa testing thing isn't as accurate as we make out?


  • Sunnygal41
    pretty dissappointing with regard to common sense

    This has been one of MY personal pet peeves also, altho that doesn't go just for the highly intelligent.....I've found that most people are quite lazy when it comes to thinking and would rather have others tell them what they should think or do their reasoning for them. My guess is it comes from societal training....the way children are taught here in the States, by rote and of course TV has a HUGE impact. The other thing I've noticed is that many times those with high IQ can be quite ascerbic to be around.....they seem to lack an ability to connect on a personal level with other people........anyone remember the movie "Little Man Tate"? Terri

  • Sunnygal41
    Many people think they wouldn't get into mensa and they actually would!

    I tend to agree with you Sirona. I've got a Mensa deck of "flash" cards at home that I bought awhile back from a book club I belong me, alot of the questions just require you to be an "abstract" thinker, an "outside the box" thinker is the most well known label..........when you hear the answers, most of the time it's like DUH!!! Why didn't I think of that........that was easy!!! LOL! Is that common sense or an extra intellectual skill...........perhaps it's a little of both and more besides.........and my thinking is that you CAN train yourself to aquire the skill to do it..........I think intelligence increases the more you use your mind, sort of like when you lift weights you gain as a by product enlarged muscles, etc.........when you use your reasoning power and challenge yourself, you develop your mental muscles.

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