Faithful "ones" that married outside the faith

by blondie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Blondie, I think one of the latest WTs dealt with your ending scripture in your first post and they said something like, "this was an exception since all of the rest of the men were killed in battle and shaving their head, etc. was an indication they were like orphans, mourning and starting a new life"....somethin' like that.

  • blondie

    That is an old explanation. Then all non-JWs today have to do is shave their heads, clip their nails, and mourn for 30 days...then a JW can marry them...still doesn't explain Esther marrying a Persian king...

    They're hypocrites, minimus, and their is no Bible basis for the cruel things they have done to your family.


  • minimus

    No they're not hypocrites, Blondie!! .......I know. They suck. Actually, I'm going to use your post with my mother to show the irregularities of things. Thanx as usual for the GREAT RESEARCH!!

  • Mary

    Actually, according to Josephus, Moses was also married to the Queen of Ethiopia..........

  • minimus

    Moses had a thing for sistas.

  • BrendaCloutier
    And it must occur that if you have found no delight in her, you must then send her away, agreeably to her own soul; but you must by no means sell her for money. You must not deal tyrannically with her after you have humiliated her.

    Spousal abuse at it's best. At least she wasn't allowed to be sold into slavery. However, since she as no longer a "virgin" then what?


  • Swan
    Spousal abuse at it's best. At least she wasn't allowed to be sold into slavery. However, since she as no longer a "virgin" then what?

    Oh Brenda! They'll just argue that this just shows Jehovah's loving kindness because he had set up laws to benefit the gleaners.


  • BluesBrother

    It may be said that some,at least, of the list of examples were believers in the worship of the Israelites even if they were foreign born.

    But it seems that idol worship among honorable men's wives was tolerated - at least in a couple of examples:-

    David - Michal ......... 1 Sam 19 v 13

    Jacob - Rachel ............Gen. 31 v 34 .........see Insight Book "Teraphim" ...Go figure?

  • Gill

    This is the kind of stuff in the Bible that just pisses me off so much that I want to drop kick it into oblivion.

    Sorry, must be PMT at it's worse, I must have forgotten to take my magnesium pills today. Perhaps I need a lie down. No I know what I need to do. I'll tell you about a very elderly sister used to be in the congregation we went to.

    It was 1945 and her sweet heart returned from war. Her family were all extremly zealous witnesses, all pioneers and the men in prison for not serving in the war. Anyway, she marries her sweetheart and they move off to Yorkshire despite her family's opposition. Her brother comes out of prison and promptly gets his wife pregnant. They had both been full time pioneers and this baby was not in their plans. It would stop them serving Jehovah and getting into the new system which was about to happen any time, wasn't it?

    The whole family rush up to Yorkshire and persuade, or brow beat the woman to leave her husband so that she can look after the baby and the parents can carry on pioneering. She gives in and leaves. She is never happy again. And a woman more down trodden and mistreated by her family you have never met! All she does is study, preach, take care of the child. Then takes care of her mother. Then gets abandoned in an old people's home.

    I wonder about her and the life she missed.

    I don't intend to miss any more of mine.

    She married out of the truth and I believe she would have had happiness. All she had in the end was misery.

  • wizedup

    The sad reality is faithful dubs obey the "marry only in the Lord" rule, meaning to them , only another Witness. I had a dear friend for many years before we exited. She was single and nearing 50. She gave up the love of her life, someone that was her best friend, for the "untruth" when she was in her prime for a family. Many years later (at 40) she married a "brother" after knowing him for only a few months. They were divorced within 3 years and separated 6 times. He was a controling, eyes for anyone in a skirt kind of guy, and publicly humiliated her. She's too old for a family now and lives alone. She said, "there are NO decent brothers in here." She's still alone and scared to death because she's getting older and working harder and there's no one to help her through or share these stages of her life. After all, they weren't supposed to happen!

    Another sister 60 yrs old, widowed, wanted desparately to be married. She was not healthy and lived alone doing house cleaning still trying to make a living. Married one of her clients who was wealthy. Married not really for love, but necessity. Went to the hall and was humiliated with a marking talk, and shunning by all her friends cause, "they told her not to do that". She lived it down, made her choice and is happy. Don't know if she got her friends back. We exited.

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