How Do You Help JWs Get Out of The Religion??

by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I don't for the most part. While I believe the WTS and JWs are no better than any other religion (worse actually), people have the freedom of religion. If one is happy in that religion then it's none of my business. If they are not happy and let me know they are in doubt, I'll help them somehow. If they challenge me and my position, I will defend myself. But as an inactive person who hasn't been in a KH for over a year, who doesn't go to assemblies, who hasn't been in service for 5 years, they rarely have a chance to speak to me let alone challenge me. The sheparding elders seem to have given up. They can't answer my questions. So they don't get themselves into a position where they are stumped.

    The downside to my position is that even though I don't begrudge JWs their religion, I know that they begrudge me not being an active member of the congregation anymore. It really is a double standard. But I'm not going to stoop to their level and hate them or speak ill of them (as individual members) as long as they leave me alone.

  • minimus

    I do think that our posts here help lurking Witnesses go see what's happening. Some think it's only an isolated situation or a thing that only they are going thru. After reading these boards, it becomes obvious that other JWs share your pain.

  • DevonMcBride
    I do think that our posts here help lurking Witnesses go see what's happening.

    That's true. Most of the JW's that lurk here already have some doubts.


  • undercover

    If our posts help lurking JWs( and I have to agree, they probably do) then I guess in some small way, I have helped some. If someone is lurking here, they already are having doubts or questions and our experiences and new ideas(to them) will hopefully help them see that they are being deceived.

  • Gerard

    Someone just posted on another thread that he tried tried for months to help a friend. His friend started researching and now has even joined the board. In retrospective, he writes:

    Now a days I know non of the high profile doctrinal debating really did the job. It was by pinpointing the things she already knew that she was tempted to research.

    Somehow, it feels like a fresh breath of air when I read stories like this.

  • minimus

    Research is always a killer for the Watchtower.

  • minimus

    So I see, some think it's not THEIR responsibility to get JWs out. I guess it's a "conscience matter".

  • darkuncle29

    I don't activly target JWs and "anti-preach". I do try to be aware of the moment with people, and if the time feels right, I will offer them help or whatever they might "need" to progress on their life path.

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