A husband can divorce his wife, but a wife can't divorce her husband?

by hubert 18 Replies latest social family

  • hubert

    This is the way I seem to understand it, in the J.W. cult, from many posts that I've read.

    Am I reading this right?

    It's okay for a man to divorce his j.w. wife, but a wife is not allowed to divorce her husband, for fear of being disfellowshipped?

    Please tell me I'm wrong.


  • Narkissos

    You're wrong.

  • candidlynuts

    yup.. wrong..

    the offended spouse can divorce. whichever that may be.

  • hubert

    Ha, Ha ! .... Okay, I guess I asked for that!!


  • candidlynuts

    lol ..well its USUALLY the MAN cheating on the WOMAN so a lot of jw women divorce their husbands ..........

    (cant pass up a chance to male bash..it just feels sooooo good)

  • unbeliever

    I don't agree with that. The dubs man or woman can divorce anyone they want. They just can't remarry unless one of the parties has committed adultary. From what I have observed women are put under extreme pressure to forgive and forget more so than the man IMO.

  • hubert

    Candid, the wife won't get d'fd if she wants the divorce? Hmmm ... Must have misunderstood.

  • Narkissos

    Man and woman alike can divorce. Man and woman alike can remarry if they have so-called "scriptural grounds" ("fornication"). Only if either remarries without such grounds will s/he be df'd.

  • hubert

    Unbeliever, that 's more to what I've been reading, I guess.... (Close, but no cigar for me) Don't smoke, anyway.

  • candidlynuts

    there are many outrageous experiences about divorcing as a jw..

    one i know of.. man molested his grandaughters.. (graphic) not by intercourse but by using his fingers to penetrate.. his wife divorced him but was told she'd be df'd if she remarried because her ex hadnt committed adultry. so she stayed single till after he died.

    many many more horror stories

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