1 Enoch: A New Translation

by rick_here 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Narkissos

    Thank you very much Leolaia.

  • rick_here


    (from the above link to the new translation):
    "Created in conjunction with an exhaustive critical commentary, this is the only English translation of 1 Enoch that takes into consideration all of the textual data now available in the Ethiopic version, the Greek texts, and the Dead Sea Aramaic fragments. Since only the first of two Hermeneia commentary volumes is now available, this book provides an indispensable translation of the whole work."

    So it's the whole book (including the Similitudes). I tried to find it @ amazon but couldn't. (I wanted to "preview" some pages...to see if it was interlinear/ footnotes or what have you). I'm gonna have to guess it will be in English and have footnotes.

    Soon as I get a job (but nevermind that) I'm gonna buy this book!


    From the NTGateway link (above) I've liked John Hurt's HTML Bible. Other than that, check out Bible.org (then go to NET.Bible).

    Perhaps we could start a thread just for listing links (to study aids, etc.)?

    gotta go!

  • rick_here

    PSS, a while later-

    "Perhaps we could start a thread just for listing links (to study aids, etc.)?"

    I don't know about all that. I'm only now finding old links & study-stuff (that I lost in my old/dead hard drive).

    Btw, as a side note; I borrowed Charlesworth's OT Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 1 from my library tonite (as well as) James: A Hermeneia Commentary, by Martin Dibilius (revised by Heinrich Greeven).

    If I only had a bit more time....

  • rick_here

    A Quick Note:

    This book is now available at amazon.com for about $11 + s&h.
    A friend of mine ordered it last week and will let me know it's details.

    I'll report back here then.


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